What workbooks did you use this year that were particularly good?
I usually check in near the end of the year to say I appreciate your website. It's very helpful to me.
I've been teaching the adult Bible class for nearly 50 years now, so thanks so much. I was wondering if you are studying a good workbook that you like or something you might recommend. I've taught for so long that my big problem is choosing the next subject. We are studying James through Jude in a Conchin book, and we are finishing Colossians, where I hand out questions every week from Mark Copeland's material.
Thank you for the encouragement. Some good books we studied this year (or about to study) are:
- Kingdom 2020 by Bill Hall
- Growing Up in the 2020s by Trevor Brailey (aimed at teens, but we are going to use it in the adult class)
- A Christian's Approach: Dealing with the Issues of Life by Cougan Collins