What a wonderful explanation about Sabbath keeping


Hello preacher Jeffrey,

What a wonderful explanation about Sabbath keeping. Surely we have been fed hamburgers for a long time. Your website has made me fold my hands and keep quiet for a while, praying to God to make a way for me to meet with you, sit next to you, and receive this plain truth. This is my prayer because I'm leading a group of members from two families in Bible study and discussion, which I feel should be fed on the right meal from the Bible.

Therefore, it is our humble request to preacher Jeffrey to have us in your heart and let the will of God be done. God bless you.


Thank you for your kind words. Time and expense keep me from traveling much. I usually try to get one two-week trip in each year, and there are far more places I would like to go and teach than I can fit in that schedule. I do hold weekly classes with a number of people around the world via Skype, but that is all I can offer at this time.

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