Ways to Find the Lost

by Whit Sasser

The following are some of the ways an individual can find those who are disposed of heart to become Christians; with the hope that once they hear the gospel, they will obey it, to the saving of their souls. Some of the ways require much money; some are practically cost-free. Some involve a lot of time; some you can do in conjunction with time spent on something else. Some are for the more mature Christian; some, a babe in Christ can handle. Some require much boldness; some do not. None of them have to be done through the congregation, although some can.

  • Look for openings in everyday conversation - eg. politics, ethical questions, family problems, weather disasters, etc.
  • Create openings - Ask forthright questions like "What church do you go to?", "Have you been baptized the right way?", If you died today, would you go to heaven?", etc.
  • Invite friends and relatives to church services.
  • Invite friends and relatives to hear a specific sermon - Ask local preacher to announce in advance his lesson topic occasionally, so as to be able to do this.
  • Write letters or postcards to someone. Say what you would like to say in person. Send them even to those you do not know.
  • Telephone randomly, using the phonebook or call specific prospects. Ask about their interest in some spiritual themes.
  • Operate a Bible message web site. Be sure to advertise it. Add content to it daily.
  • Keep a supply of tracts available for leaving in restrooms of public places, to give to acquaintances, etc.
  • Have flyers or cards printed for posting on bulletin boards at laundromats and grocery stores for placing on windshields of cars at mall parking lots, for mailing out, etc.
  • Conduct a Bible survey.
  • Rent a billboard space on a highway or in a public transport place.
  • Make up your own calling cards. Leave under tips at restaurants, include with bills paid, distribute liberally.
  • Run a classified ad: "WANTED: Someone to study the Bible. Call xxx-xxxx" or "Home Bible study group needs new people. Non-denominational. Call xxx-xxxx."
  • List religious news in free spots on the religious pages of newspapers or on web sites
  • Write religious Internet blogs, build your own website, create a page on Facebook, etc.
  • Set up neighborhood classes aimed at non-Christians. Get a few members to support and rotate homes.
  • Door to door work. Knock and briefly talk. Then leave some material. Or attach the material to a doorknob.
  • Distribute material in a public place by hand. A busy sidewalk.
  • Mass distribute material in a public transport location. Leave for others to pick up.
  • Ask someone to talk with you ONCE about spiritual matters.
  •  Rent a hall, schoolroom, community center, etc. for a Bible forum. Choose topics like "God or Evolution?", The Book of Mormon: From God or Man?", "The Bible and Abortion", etc.
  • Purchase a TV spot for advertising purposes. Likewise radio. Advertise through Google or Facebook.
  • Place notices on community bulletin boards on TV and radio. These are usually free.
  • Do TV and radio programs daily or weekly. It is less expensive than you might think. Public access stations on cable networks may be free.
  • Visit denominational services or special religious meetings to make contacts
  • Send material to all new residents. Get names from the water company or a company that provides address lists
  • Include something in a Welcome Wagon packet to new residents.
  • Mass mail advertisement to all addresses in a zip code.
  • Conduct a Bible Correspondence Course program. Rent a P.O. Box.
  • Give audio or video tapes of lessons to people or lend them.
  • Show Jule Miller DVD videos in homes.
  • Use the local evangelist's services.
  • Financially support an evangelist.
  • Give religious books or Bibles as gifts to non-Christians.
  • Set up a stall or booth at county fairs or in mall shows.
  • List your services in teaching the Bible in yellow pages, newspaper "services" sections, etc.
  • Conduct a special night class at a community college.
  • Conduct a special class at the church building.
  • List church meeting information at motels and hospitals.
  • Contact the local evangelist in another place where prospects you know live. Refer him to them and vice versa.
  • Read your Bible and pray in public. not to be seen of men, but due to imitating Jesus and early Christians.
  • Make a list of prospects. Write them down and post in a prominent place in your home. Pray about them.
  • Join civic organizations (P.T.A., Newcomers Club, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, etc.) or volunteer for city projects or play on city sports teams or coach Little League in order to expand your sphere of influence.
  • Have unsaved people in for meals or social visits.
  • Do good deeds for all men. Let your light so shine among men, that they might see your good works and GLORIFY your Father in heaven. Even a cup of cold water in HIS NAME given.
  • Advertise in your car window.
  • Bring your children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Prepare them the best you can for their salvation one day.
  • Offer to debate denominational preachers in your area.
  • Inquire into the possibilities for prison work.
  • Become a foster parent.
  • Drive a school bus or do other school work to bring you into contact with parents.
  • Ask parents if you can take their children to "Sunday School".
  • Visit nursing homes.
  • Move to a place where there is no church or take a job transfer to such a place in order to start one. Get another family to go with you.
  • Take vacations or work trips to assist evangelistic efforts in difficult places.
  • Send letters to newspaper editors.
  • Watch for letters on the editorial page by others that you can personally follow up on.
  • Place a display ad in a paper that is used for teaching. Make the heading BIBLE QUESTIONS or THE BIBLE SAYS... or similar and be controversial in your subject matter. You can do the same and not be controversial as well.
  • Meet all challenges to God's morality in our society either verbally or in writing.

Conclusion: As long as the way is scriptural, there is any number of ways to reach the lost. However, we choose, let us do it.

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