The Work of the Lord’s Church

by Terry Wane Benton

It was not to eradicate poverty. The church had no silver and gold for the beggar in Acts 3, yet it was taking care of its own members in Acts 2. Their mission was to get to the heart of man's problem, and that is sin. You heard that right. Sin is the problem. Sin has always been the trouble with a broken world. Yes, get this straight. The Lord's church is about addressing sin.

Sin is what breaks people down and destroys one man at a time, and the result is, first, a broken relationship with God. It eats away at moral character and destroys hearts, lives, and relationships. Sin is behind every murder, every drunkard, every broken home, every divorce, adultery, fornication, every crime, every terrorist, every false religion. Sin is the problem, and only the message of the cross of Jesus Christ can begin healing broken lives and hearts.

The church has one major mission: to spread the gospel (Acts 6:6), hold up the truth (I Timothy 3:15), and work on sharing fellowship with God until He is "all" and "in all" (Colossians 3:11). The gospel of peace makes people better from the inside out, giving them the right standard for living now and for preparing to live with God in paradise above.

If you want a better world now and forever, learn the truth of the gospel and find a church focused on that mission.