The Wonder of Touch
by Whit Sasser
God’s design of the sense of touch is truly a most wondrous thing. Pain can save us from danger. Caressing can make us feel love and convey love to another. Determining the feelings of various things can be so helpful. Is it smooth or rough? Is it cold or hot? Is it wet or dry? I recall a bumper sticker many years ago from the mental health people, it said, “Have you hugged your child today?” Touch is so necessary for human development and maintenance. A study has marked the differences in the behavior of newborns who are stroked or touched, and those who aren’t.
I read the following descriptions of touch:
“The sense of touch is the first to develop in humans at about 8 weeks into the gestation period. Touch stimulates the brain to release endorphins. Blood pressure and heart rate can be reduced by a touch. When you touch something, touch receptors speed a message through your nerves to your brain like a message going through a telephone wire. Your brain receives the signal and tells you how something feels. If necessary, your brain then races a message back so you will pull away. The slightest pressure puts this process into action—and takes less time than a blink of your eyes. Some receptors have the ability to become less receptive. When certain parts of your body are continually touched without change, the receptors adjust to the pressure and become less sensitive. That is why although the clothes you wear are touching your skin, you usually do not notice them.”
"See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have" (Luke 24:39).
"And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them" (Mark 10:13).
Praises to God, for giving us the sense of touch!