The Riches of His Grace

by Terry Wane Benton

It is exciting to go through Romans, Hebrews, Ephesians, and II Corinthians and note how many times and ways Paul mentioned or described “the riches of His grace” and how “unsearchable” these riches are. It’s like finding an endless supply of gold coins, pearls, precious stones, and other things that would make us rich on the inside where it counts. Yet, so many of us act indifferent to the existence and discoverability of these riches we can enjoy!

Some would rather be miserable and slave for material wealth only to be internally and eternally empty now and forever. But the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, and when a person discovers it, he sells all he has to buy that field so the treasure will be his (Matthew 13:44f).

Once we realize what is hidden from view but so valuable to the heart, we want to search and enjoy these unsearchable riches supplied in Jesus Christ. How many jewels can you find in just the book of Ephesians today? Seek, and you will find wonderful things.