The reason for the silly questions regarding spanking is because some people are annoyed at you


I wanted to let you know that there is probably a reason you are receiving so many weird questions about spanking. There is an online community for adults who are interested in pursuing spanking relationships, domestic discipline, and Christian domestic discipline, etc. Somehow, one of your responses made it onto one of these websites and caused quite a bit of uproar. I'm thinking that readers from that site have taken it upon themselves to try to back you into a corner or just to get their kicks from harassing you.

I am a member of the online spanking community, myself -- and am not ashamed of that. I am a Christian, as well. My beliefs tend to differ from those who are harassing you with silly questions. I hope that you'll be able to ignore their questions and focus on the real ones that people ask. While I am not a member of the church of Christ, as a fellow Christian it bothers me to see others treated this way. I think many of your responses are quite well-written, reasonable, and realistic. I hope that you will continue to provide advice.

Now, for a question of my own. I am a little more "old-fashioned" than most people that I know. I still believe that my (future) husband should be head of our household and that he should guide our family in all ways. While my input is still important and valuable, I believe that he should be the leader for me and any children we would have. I am also "into" adult consensual spanking. That being said, spanking can be considered sexual for some -- and is for me in some ways. However, I am interested in what is called Christian Domestic Discipline. I want my husband to spank me for discipline (and occasionally for fun and silliness, as well). This isn't as unusual as it sounds, but I'm wondering if you've ever come across this request from women or questions about it from men. And, if so, what did you recommend to them?


"In regard to these, they think it strange that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation, speaking evil of you" (I Peter 4:4).

In regards to a husband spanking a wife, see "Does a husband have the right to spank his wife?" for why this is not proper in a marriage. The sexual relationship between a husband and wife is a beautiful thing that ought to be enjoyed (I Corinthians 7:1-5; Proverbs 5:18-19). It should not be marred by punitive actions even in the name of "fun."