The Power of Music
by Christopher Scott Wyatt
Music's Influence
Musical Experiment on Teens
Think about all the different moods, feelings, and even actions that music inspires in us! Music can turn a stressful job or situation into a fun one! Music can turn jesters and revel rousers sober for a time!
Think about what music does to the movies we watch! For example, the Star Wars movies (John Williams) excitement!
Think about all the Olympians and how they listen to music right before they compete. Why do they do that? Have you ever wondered what they're listening to? Boxers listen to the "Rocky" theme or the "Eye of the Tiger." Runners listen to the "Chariots of Fire" theme.
In modern-day society, think about how we use music at every major event of our lives:
- We have music at our graduation (High School, College)
- We have music at our weddings
- We have music at our place of business
- We have lullabies played to our newborn babies
- We even have music played at our funerals
So we see music's obvious ability to influence us, to inspire us, motivate us, and to stimulate deep emotions within us, but is there more to music's power?
The Health Benefits of Music
On a scientific level, we are just now starting to understand the benefits of music, medically speaking. This area of study is referred to as music therapy. So far, recent studies have shown that listening to the right kind of music at the right volume level can have these positive health results. Music can:
- Lessen pain in cancer patients
- Lower blood pressure
- Decrease heart rate
- Decrease breathing rate
- Relieve depression
- Relieve Insomnia
- Relieve anxiety
- Improve mood and physical movement in stroke victims
- Help children with developmental disabilities, adults with Alzheimer's, people with brain injuries (refer to the movie: "Music Never Stopped" 2011)
Classical music has been shown to improve:
- IQ levels
- Brain circulation (Mozart Effect)
- Have you seen the Baby Einstein DVDs?
- Music ensembles improve overall grades.
OK, so far, we've talked about how influential music is in our lives from birth to death! We talked about the many health benefits of listening to and participating in music making, but is music even something more? I have come to believe that ...
Music Is a Spiritual Weapon of Warfare
I would like to read a passage from I Samuel 16:14-19 for you. We see here what the power of music does, how it wards off this evil spirit vexing King Saul. Question: Are there any New Testament passages that teach anything to the contrary? Take it for what it's worth, but I would argue that in the New Testament sacred music's ability to ward off evil is every bit as strong now as it was back then!
Let's take a look at a couple of New Testament examples of music warding off evil, and then one modern-day example as well.
In its context, have you ever considered Matthew 26:30-37 (Mark 14:26)? Look at the example of Paul and Silas while in prison (Acts 16:21-30).
Now, here is a modern-day example where sacred music warded off evil in that of a 19th-century man's life. This is the story of an evangelist by the name of E. P. Scott. Mr. Scott traveled to India with hopes of spreading the gospel there. He wrote of trying to reach a savage tribe in the Indian subcontinent. Ignoring the pleadings of his friends, he set off into what was known as very dangerous territory. Several days into his journey, he was met by a large party of warriors who surrounded him with their spears pointed at his heart. Expecting to die at any moment, Scott breathed in a prayer, closed his eyes, and began to sing "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name." When he reached the words, "Let every kindred, every tribe," he opened his eyes, and there stood the warriors, some in tears and every spear lowered. Scott spent the next two years of his life evangelizing that tribe.
We've talked about how influential music is in our lives from birth to death. We've talked about the many health benefits of listening to and participating in music-making. And we've now seen Old and New Testament and more contemporary examples of music warding off evil in people's lives. Now, I know you might be saying, "That's fascinating and good, but how do we tap into music's power and acquire such benefits, as did David, Saul, Jesus, Peter, Silas, and E. P. Scott?
Tapping into the Power of Music
Find music that moves you (repertoire, groups). At church, make requests for hymns that move you. In your car, listen to Christian stations or your own recordings. At your home, listen to CDs such as Sumphonia, Sing to the Lord, Narrow Way, One Voice, Alumni Chorus, FC Chorus, and the like.
Make a practice of listening to spiritual music daily. It should be added to your daily Bible reading and prayer time.
Always have it nearby in times of emergency: temptation, anxiety, and depression.
Be sure to be at every worship service to take advantage of the opportunity to sing with others in praise of God!
In closing: I Samuel 16:23. Music has the power to refresh our spirit, to make us well again, and yes, to ward off that which is evil around us! Tap into its power daily, and you'll find yourself in a closer walk with God!
Let's sing "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name."