The Miracle of Creation: A Stronghold for Believers
by George Hutto
via Tidings, Vol. 24, No. 11, Nov. 2009.
Moses laid the foundation for belief in God with the first ten words in the Bible: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Other miracles are significant, but the miracle of creation tells us our origin, gives reason for believing in heaven as our destiny and assures us of all the miracles in between.
Jesus said, "An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah" (Matthew 12:39) speaking of His resurrection, however, the sign of the miracle of creation has been given to all people of every age (Psalms 19:1-3).
The reason for believing that the beginning was God's work goes like this: the beginning of the universe was caused by either some natural order which has always been or by a Supernatural force, something beyond nature as we observe it. (I can't think of a third option). Since the natural universe did have a beginning, the cause had to be something more than natural.
You can't get something from nothing. And to believe in infinity -- that there has always been something -- is to renounce a perpetual natural order and to confess that there is a Supernatural power.
This argument is made in Scripture: "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear" (Hebrews 11:3). Surely the things that we see (the natural) were made by things which do not appear (the Supernatural).
Once again: "For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead..." (Romans 1:20). We can see God's eternal power, His divinity, His Supernaturalness, by the creation.
Let us notice some of the ramifications of accepting that God created the universe, they are profound.
First, Of Course, There Is God:
Second, That This God Is a Personal God:
One Who designs things, makes living beings who can appreciate His work, and who has morality as a concern. The revelation that man is made in God's image sheds light on the nature of God and on the nature of man. That this personal God would reveal Himself to us and expect us to walk in His ways certainly answers many questions about human life.
The life which occupies Earth says something about the God Who certainly designed it. If God made the galaxies and the earth with precisely the necessary things for organic life, we can accept that He made living things also. Do not living things point to a personal God? This point is made by the creation alone (Acts 14:17).
If one doubts that God is personal, he should also consider Jesus' entrance into the world and His exit: the virgin birth (Matthew 1) and the resurrection (Acts 1). The Scripture says that God has spoken to us through Jesus Christ, His Son (Hebrews 1:1,2). One of the great powers of the resurrection is that it proves God is a personal God, Who expects a personal response from each of us (Mark 16:15,16). Also Matthew 17:5, "... This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased; hear ye HIm"
Third, Must We Have a New Set of Miracles for Every Generation?
We have the foundation miracle all around us. Also, we have the record -- eyewitness testimony -- of the resurrection of Christ and all HIs mighty signs in the New Testament. When our religious friends strain themselves to prove modern-day miracles they only embarrass the cause of Christ and incite doubt among seekers of truth.
Skeptics might think this position is convenient because it espouses belief in Bible miracles while disclaiming responsibility for present-day miracles. They might think believers are insincere by defending miracles that happened long ago and yet denying the need for miracles right now. But must God satisfy every unbelieving soul with a special, made-to-order miracle? Jesus performed miracles enough for His generation, and yet unbelievers sought more signs as they accused Him of performing them by the devil (the power of Beelzebub). (Matthew 12:22-42; 4:5-7).
Look about. The miracle of creation should be sufficient to satisfy anyone seeking the truth about miracles, the person of God, and His goodness (Acts 14:17).
Fourth, How Powerful Is the God Who Made the Worlds!
Through telescopes, the vastness of the universe boggles the mind in distance alone. Through microscopes complexities of design and operation astound the most informed scientists. And we're still learning. Running or hiding from a God like the Creator of all things, is out of the question.
When Paul spoke to the worldly intellectuals at Athens, he spoke first to them about the one true God Who made the worlds. Second, he portrayed God as close by, that we can seek Him and find Him, a personal God; Third, he spoke of the resurrection, the sign for anyone who doubted Christ's deity; Fourth, he suggested the power of God by pointing to a judgment day for everyone. The results were predictable, just as they are today: some mocked but others asked to hear more (Acts 17:16-34).
The next time you are confronted with doubt about God, let the doubter explain where the world came from. Surely a reasonable person can see that it was made by a powerful God (Psalms 14:1). From that point, we can follow the trail of reason to Jesus Christ, to obedience to His gospel, and to eternal life even for us (John 14:6; 3:16; Acts 2:38).
Notice that Paul did not have to explain to them that there IS a God. He only told them about the right one, for they had many gods. Further, even their poets had concluded that we are His offspring, that God is a personal God (Acts 17:27-29).