Thankful for the No-Names

by Kyle Ellison

I am thankful for the no-names.

In many preacher circles some may be well known, who may have a name, who keep the calendar full with speaking engagements, who do great work among the brethren! This is not to take away from the great work brethren do, whether big or small, But … I am thankful also for those men who give their lives away in the small churches working to comfort the older saints as their sun sets in life, working to disciple that new convert, working to help get a church established and rooted, working day in and day out!

That smaller church preacher may mow the grass, fold the bulletin, sweep the floor, preach the sermon, and hold the hand of a dying saint, and while they may not have a name well known among men, they are known of God.

Friend, if that is you … keep plugging along at it, keep sowing in tears, and you will reap. Big churches need preachers, but that little group needs the gospel preacher also. They need the work of an evangelist, and they need solid Bible teaching! Be okay with a no-name so Jesus’ name may be lifted high and glorified in your life.

You’re not wasting time; you’re investing eternally, even on days when you may not see a visible or physical return.

For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown for His name in ministering to [the needs of] the saints (God’s people), as you do” (Hebrews 6:10).