Posts Tagged ‘vegetarianism’
Was Jesus a Vegetarian? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Genesis 9:1-7 I. Back in 1999, the Omaha World-Herald had a hilarious article on a then new advertising campaign by PETA. [Bill Broadway, “Jesus Used in Latest PETA Ads,” Omaha World-Herald, 17 March 1999] A. They claimed that Jesus was a vegetarian. B. Their “evidence”? 1. A belief that Jesus was an…
Read MoreI stopped eating meat after watching a documentary
Question: Hello, I am a vegetarian and I have been one for over a year now. The reason I decided to not eat meat anymore is that I watched a documentary that showed me how meat was processed and injected with steroids and different chemicals. Ever since then, I haven’t eaten any meat, but my…
Read MoreYou misused verses in “Did Jesus Eat Meat?”
Question: I was just reading Was Jesus a Vegetarian? Did Jesus Eat Meat? on your website, and I came across this passage: “It is true that in the beginning, mankind only ate vegetables (Genesis 1:29-30). However, this was changed when Noah departed the ark. “Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I…
Read MoreJesus is a vegan!
Read MoreYou can’t claim that men can eat meat because Adam and Eve did not exist!
Question: I am not going to spend the time on pointing out the contradictions and major flaws in your ‘bible-based’ theories about why animals may be hunted,slaughtered and consumed at our peril, for the entire article and your reasoning is so deraged that it would probably be a waste of time. Just for the record:…
Read MoreThe Bible is the work of men. Essenes were vegetarians. Jesus was an Essene, so Jesus could not have eaten meat
Question: Regarding: Did Jesus Eat Meat? Have you read a book on the Essenes by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely? This shows his original research to show that the Essenes (thus Jesus) were pro-vegetarian. My own personal views on meat-eating are as follows: The Bible should not be taken literally – man has changed/edited over the years; and…
Read MoreAre humans omnivores?
Question: Common Sense – Humans are not natural carnivores Many believe humans are omnivores and perfectly adapted to eating meat. To think so is not using our good sense of reason. Humans, as Harvey Diamond explains, are not natural carnivores: “A carnivore’s teeth are long sharp and pointed – all of them! But we have…
Read MoreDo we fail terribly if we consume animals?
Question: When we are in heaven all is perfect. Isaiah 65:25 says, “The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent’s meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.” In heaven, no one will…
Read MoreJesus would never be a part of a religion that sacrificed animals!
Question: Christ would have not been the person, the all perfect being, to have believed in this cult of animal sacrifices. Also he was a vegetarian. He would not have created innocent sentinent animals for his personal lust of murdering them in an abhoring debauchery way for sacrifice and food. Stop spewing this false teaching.…
Read MoreIs veganism bad?
Question: Hi minister, About veganism, is it bad? I had broken my heel in two places by just barely jogging. Doctors said diet is not to blame, but I am not so sure. I’m still not better, Doc says my vitamin D is so low I will need a prescription! And now my white platelet…
Read MoreDoes God prefer men to be vegetarians?
Question: Whether it’s right or not, Jesus was a vegan. I would better not to laugh or underestimate it if I were you. I was laughing at the same thing for years before I realized and was shown that vegetarianism is repeating advice from the Bible. I was a super meat lover. I ate almost…
Read MoreWhy do you teach about eating meat when there are more important issues in the world?
Question: Hi, The word violence means “extreme force”. Psalm 145:8-10 Jehovah is kind and merciful slow to get angry, full of love. He is good to everyone and his compassion is intertwined with everything he does. All living things shall thank you Lord and your people will bless you. Psalm 11:5-7 He puts the righteous…
Read MoreCould you also prove that vegetarianism is not required by Passover?
Question: I read your dialogue with the vegetarian and there is a rebuttal on your part that was not mentioned. The Israelites are human and God commanded them to eat the lamb at Passover and that nothing of it was to be left until morning and if any was, it was to be burned. Answer: Having had a…
Read MoreI appreciate that the article on Jesus eating meat was justified with Scripture
Question: My daughter is a vegetarian and an animal rights activist. Although I knew that Jesus ate meat, I needed the reminder. I appreciate very much your article on “Was Jesus a Vegetarian?” I appreciate how you used the scripture passages to verify each point you made. Thank you for making this information available on…
Read MoreYour article on Jesus eating meat helped me
Question: Hey, just wanted to say how helpful your site’s article about Jesus eating meat was. I had some vegetarians telling me that their choice to not eat meat was rooted in their deep Christian beliefs. Your site helped me show them the truth. Answer: I’m glad you found the material useful.
Read MorePeople are really bashing the Bible and Jesus’ teaching in attempting to forbid the eating of meat
Question: I’m a hunter who’s also a Christian and I see no problem with providing food for my family. People are really bashing the Bible and is twisting Jesus’ teachings to their liking. I read the ‘Was Jesus a Vegetarian?’ and I loved it! Answer: Thank you for your kind words. Yes, there are all sorts…
Read MoreIf eating meat is right, then why did Paul say he would never again eat meat?
Question: This may be an old issue, but doesn’t Paul also say that if someone is offended he would ‘never again eat meat’? Also, I wonder how you could write that God would consider killing animals lightly because that is not the impression I get from Isaiah. Answer: I always wonder about people who make…
Read MoreWhy can animals be used for food, but not men?
Question: If “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs” according to your post on PETA’s statement that Jesus did not eat meat – what prevents people from eating each other? I am a vegetarian who eats fish. I am not a follower of…
Read MoreIsn’t the only reason God allowed Noah to eat meat was because it was convenient?
Question: I came across your article when doing research in the bible and trying to find an answer in why is the world so evil. Interestingly man is of course evil as it is evil to animals. No other animal on the planet will use another in the same way. So why can man? I saw…
Read MoreIf God wanted us to eat meat, why did He give animals defenses?
Question: If God wanted us really to eat meat, then why did He make animals with senses? Why give animals some kind of self-defense? If really Noah’s word is true, why don’t you eat the flesh of a tiger every day? Why don’t you yourself go and kill a python or a shark and eat…
Read MoreShame on Christians who think God ordained that they should eat meat
Question: To consume animals that begged for mercy in their own tongue is not conducive to manifesting the fruits of the spirit “as found in Galatians” in fact it is impossible to harm man or beast and still manifest such fruit. Those who are not merciful will be denied mercy themselves Matthew 5 Also, it is…
Read MoreI don’t care about the Bible, but don’t you see the cruelty in killing animals for food?
Question: I am not concerned as to what the Bible says or not about animals, it contradicts itself. However, I am looking at human behavior and their attitude toward meat. We don’t really care where it comes from, as long as it is cheap. We don’t see the torture, abuse, and violation of these creatures…
Read MorePETA exists because people kill animals sinfully
Question: Your story was filled with half-truths. PETA exists, not because people eat animals, but because people kill animals sinfully. Do you think God wanted our meat packaging companies to use a .45 to shoot a cow in the head before hanging them upside down, slicing their necks and letting them bleed to death? You…
Read MoreJesus was a vegetarian because the Bible was compiled by a bunch of meat-eaters
Question: I have read your article on your website regarding Jesus being a vegetarian. It seems that you are no different than the people who compiled the Bible way back to 400 AD. There is a lot of gospel regarding Jesus taught vegetarianism was removed because the early compilers of the Bible are meat-eaters. And the…
Read MoreDid Jesus tell the Essenes not to eat breakfast?
Question: Is it true that Jesus told the Essenes not to eat breakfast? If so, why? Answer: I was puzzled by the nature of the question since the Essenes are not mentioned in the Bible, though some claim that the Zealots (of which one apostle was once a member) were a branch of the Essenes,…
Read MoreYou can’t prove that Jesus wasn’t a vegetarian!
Question: So many governments have launched numberless campaigns worldwide to make money that in the end will be spent on unlawful ways. You dubbed “hilarious” to kill innocent and helpless animals to the men’s satisfaction and greed. You dubbed “hilarious” to think of Jesus as a vegetarian. Can you prove undoubtedly one cannot live by eating vegetables alone?…
Read MoreYour article sounds as if being a vegetarian is a sign of not being a true believer
Question: Although I agree with much of what was written in “Was Jesus a Vegetarian?,” I have a problem with the last statement: “…the forbidding of eating certain foods is an indication of people departing from the Christian faith.” Although this indeed could be true, you make it sound as if being a vegetarian is a…
Read MoreEven if Jesus existed, why did he last eat herbs and fruit?
Question: Wrong on ALL counts. So if he did exist, and some doubt it now, why did he lastly eat herb and fruit , reiterating genesis 1/29–perhaps he really was veggie -YOU don’t know You obviously don’t understand communion then. And god allowed carrion when he spoke to Noah, I am sure. Any fool with a microscope can…
Read MoreI’m not against eating meat, I oppose the cruel treatment of animals
Question: I have read your article on Animal Rights and the Bible and it was enlightening. I am a Vegan and animal rights activist. I am not against people eating meat, I wish they wouldn’t, but that is their choice. What I and all activists are opposed to here is the cruel and inhumane treatment of…
Read MoreIsn’t it true that Jesus did not have to eat the Passover lamb because he had no sin?
Question: I recently read your article “Was Jesus a Vegetarian?”. There is only a few things I would like to comment on. First thing, I eat fish and am not in any way involved with PETA. But Jesus would not have had to eat the Passover lamb, the lamb was killed as an offering because of sin, the…
Read MoreIs it a sin not to eat meat?
Question: I am a vegetarian, I am also Catholic. I read a page on your web site: Did Jesus Eat Meat? This subject has always been a struggle for me. My question to you is: Would you agree that when we are judged will we also be judged upon our merits and what is in our…
Read MoreWhen and why did humans start eating meats?
Question: When and why did humans start eating meat? Answer: When the world was first created, mankind was given vegetables to eat. “And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall…
Read MoreIsn’t it a contradiction when God changed His mind about the eating of animals?
Question: I read your article about contradictions in the Bible, and I agree most are silly ones and, unfortunately, usually malicious. However, I feel I have something rather genuine to present to you. (Yes, I am a vegan. This will clarify a few things about my perspective.) At the beginning of Genesis God said people can eat…
Read MoreIs God’s kingdom vegetarian?
Question: Is God’s kingdom vegetarian? When Christ restores peace will he fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy? Will humans still kill animals? Will Lions still kill lambs? Will the wolf still hunt the sheep? According to Isaiah and Jesus, the strong will protect the weak, and creatures whom the fallen nature of our fallen world made enemies will…
Read MoreYour article about Jesus not being a vegetarian opened my eyes
Question: Hi! I am 18 years old. I have read one of your articles regarding whether Jesus was a vegetarian and how, in regard to the Bible, the idea is all false. I am thrilled to read this, for I have been long deceived by these lies about Jesus and his relation to the Essences, which…
Read MoreIs being a vegetarian better than a meat eater?
Question: I’m a vegetarian and wish that others were, but I don’t try to impose my views on them. In the Garden of Eden men were vegetarians, and after Jesus returns the lion will lay down with the lamb and there will be no killing (I hope). So that’s the way I try to live…
Read MoreI believe Jesus was a vegetarian
Question: I don’t follow PETA but believe that Jesus was a vegetarian. As a Jew, Jesus would have followed the Old Testament or Torah faithfully. In Genesis, a vegetarian diet is laid out for us all. Genesis 1:29, “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is upon the face of…
Read MoreNotes on Vegetarianism
Genesis 9:2-3 -And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all that move on the earth, and on all the fish of the sea. They are given into your hand. Every moving thing that lives shall be food…
Read MoreAre you saying God condemns vegetarians?
Question: Please clarify the latter part of your response. I just want to make sure I understood you correctly. Are you suggesting that I will be punished on Judgment Day by God for my choice not to eat red meat and poultry? Answer: Not at all. There is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian. “For one…
Read MoreI’m disappointed you didn’t answer my question about animals.
I find it very interesting that you choose to ignore passages from the Bible that do not condone the inhumane treatment of animals. You still haven’t answered my question. I suppose you will not answer it and continue to divert the subject to something it’s not about. Unfortunately, I see I already know the answer.…
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