Posts Tagged ‘Timothy’
Was Timothy’s father a Christian?
Question: I have a comment on one online question about whether Timothy’s father was a believer or not. Philippians 2:22 seems to indicate that Timothy’s father was a believer and co-worker with Paul and Timothy. Answer: “But I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly, so that I also may be…
Read MoreBut He Didn’t Have to be Circumcised!
by Edwin Crozier Didn’t we just have a whole debate in Jerusalem that discovered Christians didn’t have to be circumcised? In fact, in Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he will brag that no one made Titus get circumcised during that meeting (Galatians 2:1-3). Yet, Paul circumcised Timothy. What’s up with that? Acts of the Apostles…
Read MoreWas Timothy a Nazirite?
Question: Was Timothy a Nazirite? It appeared that he was reluctant to take the wine ( grape juice) so I know that if he was a Nazirite he would not take even grapes or grape juice for medicine. I was told that it had to be alcohol because he could drink grape juice if he…
Read MoreWas Timothy’s father an Aramean?
Question: In Was Timothy’s father a non-believer? you said, “In the end, I think all you can state is that Timothy’s father was of Greek nationality.” But Acts 16:1 (translated from Aramaic Peshitta, based on Younan) says, “And he arrived at the medintha [city] Derbe and at Lostra. Now there was there a certain talmida [student]…
Read MoreHow would anyone know if Timothy was circumcised or not?
Question: I saw the recent reader’s question – “Why did Paul have Timothy circumcised after the council at Jerusalem?” And your answer “In regards to why Timothy was circumcised after the Jerusalem council, it is simply because Paul met Timothy after that council. Timothy wanted to join Paul, but because they were working among the…
Read MoreWhy was Timothy put in prison in Rome?
Question: I was researching the web for any clues I might gain as to the author of Hebrews, when it was written, etc. and I found your web page. As you know, there are many theories. I tend to believe that it was Paul, possibly Luke — translating Paul’s Hebrew into Greek, while Paul was…
Read MoreWhy did Paul have Timothy circumcised after the council in Jerusalem?
Question: I was scanning the questions and found the Jewish lineage one. Timothy was counted as Jewish because of his mother. Paul circumcised him and we know that Timothy’s father was a Gentile while his mother and grandmother were Jewish. Why did Paul have Timothy circumcised after the council at Jerusalem? As stated in, “Was Hebrew…
Read MoreWas Timothy’s father a non-believer?
Question: One passage I’m having a problem with is Acts 16:1. In time past I have heard a couple of different preachers on different occasions say some that Timothy’s father was a “non-believer”. I am not confident in teaching that Timothy’s father was/was not a believer. While it is true the text does not say that the father was not…
Read MorePaul’s Sons
by Earl Robertson via Biblical Insights, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 2008. The relationship of Timothy and Titus to Paul as sons is spiritual, legitimate, and true — “legitimately born, not spurious,” says Thayer, pg. 119. They were true sons. Paul said Timothy was “a true child in the faith,” showing the sphere in which this…
Read MoreApostleship
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton “Your church is not organized as the early church was. Where are your apostles?” Such was the contention of two Mormon “elders” who came to my door one day. It is not the only time I have heard such a question; there are several denominations that claim to have apostles, especially…
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