Posts Tagged ‘taxes’
Does God hold us responsible when we pay taxes to a government that uses the money for sinful purposes, such as funding abortions?
Question: I live in a State where Medicare covers abortions. Since our taxes pay for Medicare, will God hold us responsible for this? We are told in the Bible to pay taxes, but as citizens, we don’t have control over how the money is spent. Thank you for your reply. Answer: “Let every soul be…
Read MoreIs it right to deduct contributions from your taxes?
Question: Is it okay to deduct the money that is given to the church each week from your taxes when you file each year? Answer: The Scriptures teach that Christians should pay their taxes. “Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor” (Romans 13:7).…
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