The Folly of Playing It Safe – Ecclesiastes 11:16

by Paul Earnhart via Biblical Insights, Vol 15, No. 1, January 2015 In Ecclesiastes 11, Solomon continues his admonitions to wise living when facing life’s uncertainties. He has frequently reminded us that we cannot know what will come after us (Ecclesiastes 3:22; 6:12; 8:7; 10:14). God’s providence is shrouded and beyond human wisdom to fathom…

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Reasonable Risks by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Esther 4:7-16   I.         Increasingly I run into people who are obsessive-compulsive.             A.        It is sometimes referred to as the doubter’s disease because the sufferer is constantly plagued with uncertainty.                         1.         A person might repeatedly wash his hands because he might not have done a thorough enough cleaning earlier                         2.         Another might constantly…

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