Posts Tagged ‘rashness’
Peter’s “Nevers”
by David Gibson I believe it was in his film series “Making Things Right When Things Go Wrong,” or perhaps in the Brecheen-Faulkner Marriage Enrichment series, Paul Faulkner observed that “Peter was given to ‘never’ statements.” Four examples When Jesus first predicted his death at the hands of the Jewish leaders, “Peter took him aside…
Read MoreControlling Our Emotions by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Mark 7:18-23 I. From the heart comes the emotions which affect all aspects of our life – Proverbs 4:23 A. We can poison the well with evil thoughts – Mark 7:20-23 B. We can sweeten it with righteous ideals – Philippians 4:4-9 C. It affects our outlook on life – Proverbs 15:13…
Read MoreRash Words
by Doy Moyer “There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing” (Proverbs 12:18). Here’s one thought about our need to be careful with our words. What we say publicly reflects upon our spouses and loved ones. If we are constantly complaining about how bad things…
Read MoreRash Decisions by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 19:23-41 I. Our text illustrates the making of a riot A. Certain men feared that Christianity would impact their income. – Acts 19:24-27 1. They stirred up the masses with fear of lost income and fear of a lost way of life. 2. The fear spread through the city, even when…
Read MoreStand Still and Keep Silent by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Exodus 14:5-31 I. Israel has been freed from the bondage of slavery by a series of miracles from God. A. But even as they were moving out of the Egyptian lands, Pharaoh changed his heart and came after his former slaves with an army. B. The people of Israel found themselves…
Read MoreImpulsive Scandals
Source: Frank Bruni, “Protection while online only illusion,” New York Times, 21 November 2012 Mr. Bruni points out that many people recently caught misbehaving through electronics, such as Anthony Weiner and David Petraeus, would never do what they did in public, yet things sent out over electronics are a form of public display. Nor do they…
Read MoreWhat was Jephthah’s sin?
Question: What was Jephthah’s sin? Answer: If someone wanted to give a short answer to that question, his flaw was his rashness. “Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart utter anything hastily before God. For God is in heaven, and you on earth; therefore let your words be few” (Ecclesiastes…
Read MoreThe Foolishness of Hasty Judgments
by Steven Harper The wise writer said, “If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame” (Proverbs 18:13). But how foolish men are in making hasty judgments, often without hearing the evidence — or at least all of the evidence. Daily — on local and nationwide radio talk shows, around the water cooler at…
Read MoreWarning Against “That First Instinct”
by Warren E. Berkley “Check your moral compass frequently. I have seen it both in combat and in peace. If you do not know who you are walking into a situation, you may not like who you are when you’re done. When I was a lieutenant in Vietnam, I lost Lance Corporal Guido Ferranaro from Bethpage, New York, a…
Read MoreQuit Horsing Around
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 32 I. The Bible is filled with reminders to look at the world around us and learn from the examples we find. A. The ant is an example of industry and not procrastinating – Proverbs 6:6-11 B. Job recommended – Job 12:7-10 C. There is wisdom to be learned in observation -…
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