Posts Tagged ‘Rahab’
Salvation by Grace
by Matthew W. Bassford Recently, I have become an even louder proponent of grace, indeed of the naked necessity of grace, than I ever was before. I can tell from the comments I’ve been getting on social media that this has made some good brethren nervous. They reply with variations of, “Yes, but you have…
Read MoreRahab by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Joshua 2:1-24 I. Rahab has given many Bible students difficulty over the years. A. James 2:14-26 – James tells us she was an example of a working faith when she took in the Israelite spies and sent them out secretly. B. Notice that her action was listed as an example similar…
Read MoreDoesn’t Rahab’s example prove that lying is acceptable in some situations?
Question: Doesn’t Rahab’s example prove that lying is acceptable in some situations? Answer: We know: That we cannot do evil that good may come from it (Romans 3:8). The Lord did not commend Rahab for lying (Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25). We are told not to lie (Colossians 3:9). That all liars will be eternally condemned…
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