Posts Tagged ‘predestination’
Could the one person God intended for me be someone who is already married?
Question: I have a question about God and His choice for a spouse: Is it true that there one person He has chosen for each of us? If this is true, would the person he has chosen for me be married, and would I meet him while I was married? My current partner and I…
Read MoreHow could God repent for creating man when the Bible also says God is not like a man to repent?
Question: The Bible says in Genesis that God repented for creating man. But then why does the Bible say “God is not a man to lie, and not a son of man to repent”? And if God repented, why did Paul said that God prepared the chosen ones to give fruits before the world was…
Read MoreMy cousin wants to be saved, but he is waiting for God to give him an experience so he can stop being gay. What should he do?
Question: I have a cousin who’s been struggling with something for a long time. The problem is that he’s gay, which he hates. He doesn’t want to be gay, he wants to live for God, but he says he can’t because of his homosexual desires. He has been waiting for God to suddenly change him…
Read MoreWhy create humans if God knew most would live sinfully?
Question: So, God controls everything that will ultimately happen, but not the choices we make in order to get to that final event, correct? I’m almost positive that that’s what all of those articles were pointing to. So then, does that mean that He meant for humans to ultimately be sentenced to live in a world of…
Read MoreIs God’s sovereignty absolute?
Question: I want to ask you about some verses a Baptist friend asked me. I hope you can help me understand these verses. Do these verses teach that God’s sovereignty is absolute and that He predestined all things which happen, either good or bad? Isaiah 45:6-7; Exodus 4:11; Deuteronomy 32:39; I Samuel 2:6-7; Ecclesiastes 7:13-14;…
Read MoreCould you explain “foreknew” and “predestined” to me?
Question: I have struggled for years with the “foreknew” and “predestined” parts. I believe the Bible 100% and actually understand what is being said; however, there is something I can’t quite get. Maybe I can ask my question this way: I am blessed with two grandsons. God knew from the beginning everything about these children.…
Read MoreIf Adam and Eve did not sin, would it have been only a matter of time before someone else sinned?
Question: What would the world be like if Adam and Eve had not sinned? Would it only be a matter of time before someone else after them would have sinned? Answer: It would be impossible to speculate because we don’t have sufficient information. We know that God planned on the fact that men would sin…
Read MoreCould God have two wills, one that tells man what to do and a hidden will where He makes some men sin to accomplish His other will?
Question: I have heard a popular Baptist preacher named John Piper preach about predestination. He talked about the two wills of God. He said that there is a revealed will of God and there is also a decreed will. The former, according to him, is his will of command. Meaning, all his commands that he…
Read MoreDoes God exist outside of time and sees all of time at once?
Question: First, I wanted to thank you for the web site. I come here often whenever I find that I have a problem that needs addressing. Anyway, on to my question. Lately, I’ve been wondering about something after something my preacher told me. He once told me that God is not confined to time as we…
Read MoreIs God bound by time?
Question: We had a small discussion in our college group last week and I wanted your thoughts. Is God bound by our time? What I mean is angels are waiting to see things unfold; I think that’s somewhere in Hebrews. And then Job, of course. God calls the angels to Him twice, so we see…
Read MoreCould you explain I Peter 1:1-5?
Question: I kindly ask you to consider the questions of my searching heart and mind regarding this passage in the Holy Writ, which I want to be clarified without a shadow of a doubt. It is my desire to know the truth for it is by obeying the truth that our hearts are purified and…
Read MoreDoes everything happen as God designed it or is it all by coincidence?
Question: Do you think everything in life happens for a reason and is the way God designed things to happen? Or is it all by coincidence? Answer: Neither. God has a design and purpose which He carries out in the world. “In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose…
Read MoreWhat do you think about predestination and free-will?
Question: I am having a hard time with predestination. What I mean is, I see choice throughout the whole Bible; yet I see other stuff predetermined, such as certain events, kingdoms predicted to fall or the rebuilding of the temple. In Revelation there are people would not turn back to God and they would be…
Read MoreSpirits in Prison
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton In a discussion on suffering for righteousness sake, Peter turns to Jesus as an example. “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, by whom also He…
Read MoreWere Adam and Eve bound to sin?
Question: My thesis is that Adam was bound to fall. How long Adam or Eve could resist not eating the forbidden fruit? Because as long as Adam and Eve were in the garden that tree was always before them. As long as they resist eating the fruit they would remain in the garden. The tree…
Read MoreAre free will and predetermined destiny contradictory?
Question: Seems to me that free will and predetermined destiny is just a big contradiction. Can you convince me it is not? Answer: Play chess against a grand-master of the game. Even before you begin, I could state in advance that you will lose with great certainty. Though each move you make is completely of…
Read MoreDid God pick Jacob for salvation before or after he was born?
Question: In regards to your article “Predetermined Destiny”: First, after stating in paragraph five that God’s selection of Jacob was made before Jacob was born, you turn right around and say that God’s selection of Jacob was not made before he was born. Well, which is it? Did God pick Jacob before he was born,…
Read MoreIs Our Fate Predetermined?
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I. Trying to grasp the concept of an infinite God sometimes causes finite man to make mistakes A. Consider this statement from the Presbyterian Confession of Faith (chapter 3, section 1): “God, from all eternity, did by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever come…
Read MoreAre Christians predestined to go to heaven?
Question: I was looking at your website and it is very informative. Will you please answer the following question? Are Christians predestined to go to heaven? Answer: See: The articles “Can I Lose My Way to Heaven?” and “Predetermined Destiny.” And also the sermon “Being a Christian Will Not Save You.”
Read MoreIs there a set time for someone to die?
Question: Is there a set time for someone to die? You often hear people say, “It was just their time to go.” Answer: It is a fact that living means each of us will eventually die, barring those who will see our Lord’s return. “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but…
Read MorePredetermined Destiny
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Many people in this world believe in fate or destiny. They feel there is a specific role chosen for them which they must play, whatever their personal choice. John Calvin taught that God predestines some people to be Christians and, if so chosen by God, there is nothing that a person…
Read MoreWhen Jesus Marveled
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 8:5-13 I. Even the seemingly small things within the Bible are significant. A. I find it puzzling that people claim that the Bible is inspired, as we are told in II Timothy 3:16-17, but then turn around and want to modify it. 1. In June of 2006 I ran across an…
Read MorePredetermined Destinies
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I. Many in the world believe in fates and destinies A. They believe there is a specific role they must play, which they cannot avoid. B. Calvanists call it Unconditional Election. Some people are predestined to become Christians and there is nothing they can do to avoid it. 1. They also claim the opposite. That…
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