Pagan Ways Transferred to Christians: Looking for Signs

by Terry Wane Benton On the Isle of Malta, Paul found some friendly natives. When a viper bit Paul, these people read that as a sign. They were wrong, and people who try to read events as signs today are borrowing from paganism. In Acts 28:1-4, the natives read the viper event as a sign…

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Pagan Ideas of God by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Micah 7:15-20   I.         Through the ages man has had difficulty grasping the concept of God             A.        As Christians, we understand that God is a Spirit – John 4:24             B.        But for the common man, without the knowledge of the Scriptures, that idea is too vague. So God is remade in their…

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Wasn’t Abraham’s offering of Isaac because of pagan beliefs?

Question: Abraham “offered” Isaac to the mighty one (elohim) because he was still acting under a basic ancient pagan or heathen culture. This was a culture that believed that a great gift, such as one’s only child late in life, or any great blessing deserved thanks to one’s mighty one (elohim). The pagans thought that…

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How can you judge others?

Question: Christians are not supposed to judge, only your God is supposed to. In the constitution, it states “Freedom of Religion.” I guess people that believe in Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. are going to hell I suppose right?  If your a real “Christian” then you don’t judge people by their religion, sexuality, etc.  It says so…

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