
by Alex Krutov Becoming a Father This is something, I wanted to write for our son’s 1-month birthday. It is hard to believe that Levi is going to turn 1 month old in a few days. Where did the time go? Yes, many people told us, do not rush the time and enjoy every moment…

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A Friendly Letter on Benevolence

  by Irven Lee (1914-1991) April 1, 1958 A good friend that I have known and appreciated a long time sent a letter of inquiry which prompted this answer. Since so many are wondering about the same problems, I am making a few copies of the letter [that I wrote in response] with the hope…

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Church-Supported Orphans’ Homes: What Was the Issue?

by Bill Hall It was a difficult time.  I don’t know that I could in any way picture for you if you didn’t live then, just how difficult that time was.  Back somewhere in the mid-50s, in the pages of the Gospel Advocate, a quarantine was called for against all those who preached the gospel…

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Who Is Responsible?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/WhoIsResponsible.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Galatians 6:1-10   I.         One of the issues that has divided brethren is that of doing good.             A.        The question is who is responsible?             B.        One side argues that it doesn’t matter, so long as the good is done. The other side argues that you cannot give away a responsibility God has…

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James 1:27 and the Orphan Home

by Jimmy Mickells When I obeyed the gospel in 1974, the issue of church-supported orphan homes had been debated among brethren for a good number of years. This subject, along with a discussion of colleges being supported from the treasury of the church, had already caused a great division among the Lord’s people. It was…

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How should we take care of orphans?

Question: Other than taking a child into our home and family to rear, how should we take care of orphans? Answer: “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world” (James 1:27). The word translated as “visit”…

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I was once in an orphans’ home

Question: Thank you for your answer. It has helped to clarify those ‘ideas’ that I asked about. But, in truth, I have to say that this is just downright scary. When someone talks about ‘anti’ and ‘liberal’ and ‘sound’, it doesn’t make me think of worshiping my God, but it does make me think that…

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Orphan Institution in Search of Family Homes

by Dennis Carrow From the sponsoring church arrangement in the effort of evangelism, (i.e., the missionary society), grew the same carnal diversion from the divine pattern in the realm of benevolence. Brethren were not content with following the simple arrangement of the giver sending directly to the needy. The claim was made that we are…

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Orphans and Their Care

  I.          Orphans are not mentioned often in the New Testament, once to be precise, but many have developed unusual ideas about how to care for the orphans in our midst.              A.         Unusual, because their teaching does not follow the plain statements of the New Testament.              B.         The passage we will delve into is James 1:27. II.         The Bible’s…

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