Posts Tagged ‘Noah’
Noah and the Flood Download Audio by Ralph Walker A worldwide flood? Destroying all humans except eight people? Seriously? Preaching the Bloody Bible
Read MoreHow Noah Was Saved by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 3:18-22 I. In our reading, Peter draws on the account of Noah’s salvation to illustrate how the Christian is saved. A. Many people object to the straight forward reading of I Peter 3:21 because it stands contrary to what they have accepted. 1. To many people, baptism is simply…
Read MoreDid Ham have sex with his mother?
Question: I just read your answer to the question about whether boys should see one another naked as in locker rooms, etc. In the Bible, when Ham “saw his father’s nakedness,” that does not mean he literally saw his father without clothing on. It literally meant that he had sex with his father’s wife. That…
Read MoreWhy did Noah curse Ham’s child just because Ham saw Noah naked?
Question: Hi, I could not understand why Noah issued a curse on Ham just because Ham saw Noah naked in Genesis 9:22-27. Q1. Was there a law of the land regarding seeing someone naked and Ham did not follow it? Q2. What’s wrong with Ham telling his brothers? (If I was the youngest and saw…
Read MoreHow long did Noah build the ark before his sons were born?
Question: How long did Noah build the ark before his sons were born? Answer: In Genesis 5:32, we are told that Noah was 500 when his sons were born. In Genesis 6:3, God said He would destroy mankind in 120 years. Since this was in Noah’s records, Genesis 6:9 being the closing line of that…
Read MoreWhy wasn’t Noah condemned for getting drunk?
Question: Why was Noah never condemned by God for becoming drunk and committing the sin of incest? And God used him to build the ark. Answer: You’re mixing events. Noah was a righteous man (Genesis 7:1). He was saved when he obeyed God and built an ark. But it wasn’t until years later that he…
Read MoreWas the earth populated by Noah’s sons and daughters and their children married each other?
Question: Hi! My question is: Was the earth populated by Noah’s sons and daughters and their children married each other? Answer: Only eight people were saved during the Flood (II Peter 3:20). “So Noah, with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives, went into the ark because of the waters of the flood” (Genesis…
Read MoreWhich of Noah’s three sons did the Gentiles come through?
Question: Which of Noah’s three sons did the Gentiles come through? Answer: All three sons. “Gentiles” means “nations” and was used for anyone who wasn’t an Israelite (a descendant of Jacob). Abraham descended from Shem, but through Ishmael came the Arabs, and the Edomites came through Esau. Abraham’s nephew, Lot, was the father of the…
Read MoreWas only Noah righteous or was his family righteous also?
Question: In Bible class this morning the teacher made the comment that during Noah’s day Noah was the only person that was righteous. I disagreed stating that the other seven family members had to be righteous as well because God saw fit to save them. What is your response to this matter? Answer: “Then the…
Read MoreHow do you know that Ham was the youngest son?
Question: How do you know that Ham was the youngest son? Answer: “So Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done to him” (Genesis 9:24). The word “younger,” or “youngest” depending on your translation, comes from the Hebrew word qatan. It is an adjective which can be translated as “small,” “insignificant,”…
Read MoreThe First “Ancient Mariner”
by Dillard Thurman in Gospel Minutes, May 8, 1964 The original story of “The Ancient Mariner” was written several centuries before “The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner” was added to our literature. The story of Noah and the Ark is loved and appreciated by multitudes who have never gone to sea, or taken an ocean…
Read MoreDid Noah go to heaven or hell?
Question: Did Noah go to heaven or hell? Answer: Noah is spoken of as a man of faith and righteousness. “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD” (Genesis 6:9). “”Even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness,” says the Lord…
Read MoreA Lesson from Noah
by Art Driedger III Many today scoff at the story of Noah’s ark, doubting that there was ever a flood that covered the whole earth. Well, I must admit that it is an amazing story because the flood was catastrophic. Of course, for practical purposes, the only evidence for the flood is found in the…
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