Do you have other material on YHWH?

Question: I enjoyed and agree with your article on   “Understanding  the  Tetragrammaton.”  Thank you very much for your research and study on this important issue of the Divine Name,  Yahweh (Exodus 3:15; Psalm 83:18). Can you send me any additional information on the YHWH? Do you have any more articles related to the sacred name? Answer:…

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Who’s Who of the New Testament by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 9:1-8   I.         Reading some parts of the New Testament becomes difficult because several people have the same name.             A.        Keeping them straight is sometimes worse than a logic puzzle             B.        In our society we use multiple names with a surname as an attempt to distinguish people from each other.             C.        In…

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What does “beth” mean in various town names?

Question: I have a question that came up in my most recent studies with maps. My study sent me to look at the maps in the back of my Bible, and I found something quite interesting. There are some towns with names that begin with ‘Beth’, such as Bethlehem. My question pertains to the ‘Beth’…

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Could I be a descendant of Ishmael?

Question: I recently found out my grandmother’s maiden name is Ishmael. I’ve been curious as to the origins of this last name and thought back to Ishmael in the Bible. Could it be possible that I’m a descendant of Ishmael? Or am I way out in the left-field with this idea? If you have no…

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The “Name” of Jesus

by David Smitherman via Plain Talk, July 1983 Jesus has a “name” that is above every other name (Ephesians 1:21; Philippians 2:9) but that “name” is not just an arrangement of letters to spell that word: J-E-S-U-S is not this name. It is much more than a title or designation. In Scripture, “name” is often equivalent…

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By what name shall we address the Father?

Question: By what name shall we address the Father? Answer: God, the Father, refers to Himself by a variety of names. The implication is that one name alone is inadequate to describe His nature. The sermon outline, “The Name of God” for a list of names and their meanings. When you address your parents, I…

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Can you help me understand who were the people with similar names?

Question: Some articles on the net are so confusing and misguiding that a layman finds it hard to understand or come to a conclusion about who is who. Will you please explain and guide me if these following honorable characters are different or the same? {A} John the Apostle, Evangelist, Theologian John of Patmos John…

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The Name of God

Text: Exodus 3:10-17   I.          The Jehovah’s Witnesses have gone out into the world declaring that God’s name is “Jehovah.”              A.         A reader of our website wrote to ask why this claim is made since he was only able to find less than ten instances of the name “Jehovah” in his Bible.                           1.          The KJV uses this name…

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The mistranslation of “Jesus” is the 666 in Revelation

Question: Does it mean that the verb “count” in Revelation 13:18 must be ignored? Does it mean that the counting operation in Revelation 13:18 leads to no result at all? I have found that if you assign numeric values to the alphabet from 1 to 26, then Iesvs (74) + Jesus (74) + Joshua (74) + Messiah (74) =…

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Is “Jesus” the name used in the New Testament?

Question: Can you demonstrate that “Jesus” is a very old name mentioned by the writers of the New Testament? Answer: The New Testament was originally written in Greek. The name for our Lord was spelled “Iesous” in Greek (using English letters). Four people in the New Testament are mentioned having this name: The Christ (Acts…

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What were the names of Jesus’ twelve apostles?

Question: What were the names of Jesus’s twelve apostles? Answer: At times, names can be confusing because we use a variety of names for ourselves. There is our birth name, our common name, and our nickname. We find that happening in Scriptures. One of Jesus’s apostles was named Simon, but Jesus gives him the nickname…

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Should the Father only be addressed as Yahweh and the Son as Yahshua?

Question: I have stopped using the words “God” and “Jesus”. It has come as a revelation and blessing to me that these words are inappropriate as names for our Father and His Son. There is a whole “World” in their names Yahweh and Yahshua. Answer: Oddly enough, God uses the name “God” (elohim in Hebrew, theos in Greek)…

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What is God’s name?

Question: What is God’s name? The Jehovah’s Witnesses tell me it is “Jehovah,” but that appears less than ten times in my Bible. Answer: The name “Jehovah” appears eight times in the King James Version of the Bible. It is not used in the New American Standard Bible or the New King James Version. However,…

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Understanding the Tetragrammaton: How Is It Pronounced?

by Ethan R. Longhenry In the religious world, there is much confusion about the Tetragrammaton (a Greek term meaning “the four letters”), referring to the name of God in the Old Testament, designated with the consonants YHWH. There are some religious organizations that place great emphasis on this name, and there is also generally much…

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All in a Name Text: Acts 4:5-14   I.         Saved in a name             A.        Acts 4:8-12 – Only in the name of Jesus can we be saved II.        What does “in his name” mean?             A.        With that one’s authority or with his approval                         1.         This was Peter’s answer to “by what authority” (Acts 4:7); he answered, “in the name of Jesus” (Acts 4:10)…

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