Posts Tagged ‘Mormons’
Is the heavy use of the phrase “and it came to pass” a point against the Book of Mormon?
Question: I read the claim recently that all of the “And it came to pass” phrases in the Book of Mormon are a non-issue because the Greek rendering of that phrase appears with as much frequency in the original Biblical record, and the editors of the King James version chose to remove them. Is this…
Read MoreThe Mormons use the Bible too
Question: I just read an article by Dudley Ross Spears on The Mormon Plan of Salvation. There are actually scriptures in the Bible that support their ideas. The Mormon church uses the Bible and Book of Mormon together and both help to clarify and interpret each other. Two witnesses are better than one and I couldn’t…
Read MoreWhen the Mormons Call
by Johnie Edwards via Truth Magazine XXIII: Part One (31, pp. 503-504, Aug. 9, 1979); Part Two (32, p. 514, Aug. 16, 1979); Part Three (33, p. 537, Aug. 23, 1979); Part Four (34, pp. 552-553, Aug. 31, 1979) Most communities have had a visit from young men calling themselves Mormon Elders. They teach that the Mormon…
Read MoreA Brief History of Mormonism
A Brief History of Mormonism (Part 1)A Brief History of Mormonism (Part 2) by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jude 3-21 I. It is not politically correct to speak against another person’s religion. A. As a result many people don’t know much about the religion of another person – Hosea 4:6 B. But how do we deal with…
Read MoreThe Bible’s Witnesses by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Isaiah 43:8-13 I. The strength of any testimony depends on the quality of the witnesses giving the testimony A. In a court of law the witnesses are grilled as heavily as the defendants. 1. An inconsistent witness is not a believable witness 2. Thus the integrity of the witness matters B. God made…
Read MoreHow is Truth Determined?
by Oscar C. Miles What probably bothers me most about Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons is that they do not allow any possibility that they might be in error. It seems to me that they have been programmed to resist the possibility of fallibility in their organization. They believe that they are God’s organization and thus…
Read MoreA History Lesson on Mormonism
by Jerry Blount I published an article comparing the Mormon’s founders to the founders of Christianity. I noted that virtually every signatory witness to the golden plates either repudiated their testimony, left the Mormon faith or was excommunicated before they died. Comparably, we also noted that none of the authors of your Bible ran… even though…
Read MoreBiblical Reliability
by Dudley Ross Spears How reliable is the Bible? How do we know it is truly the word of God? What evidence is there that justifies our respect for and allegiance to the Book? In this installment, we will consider the things that prove the Bible to be a reliable revelation of the mind of…
Read MoreLatter Day Revelations
by Johnny Ramsey Gospel Minutes, Vol. 55, No. 9, March 3, 2006. Nearly all the denominations that have sprung up since 1800 have as a basis “latter-day revelation.” That is, some religious leader (usually self-appointed) claimed to have received direct communication from God in which salvation for this modern age is revealed. The names of…
Read MoreDid Orson Pratt originate the idea that the Bible is unreliable?
Question: Good morning. Back in the 1800’s Mormon Apostle Orson Pratt stated that the Bible is fundamentally unreliable; that it had been mistranslated over the centuries. What I want to know is, was this statement by Pratt original with him, or did this kind of claim originate earlier in history? [My objective in knowing this…
Read MoreHow do I tell my cousin that Mormonism is wrong?
Question: My cousin just starting going to a Mormon church. She once used to go to a Christian Church but has started going to church with her ex-mother-in-law. How should I begin to tell that the church she is going is not one of Christ and is pretty much a cult? Any help would be…
Read MoreMormons believe almost everyone will go to heaven
Question: Before talking down my religion you should make sure you understand it! Mormons believe that almost everyone will go to heaven. We believe that the amount of people who go to outer darkness is so small that it is barely even considered a kingdom. Answer: “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is…
Read MoreHow do I stop my family from being influenced by a Mormon?
Question: I need prayer for myself along with my mom and maybe my brother and father. They have a business person over who is Mormon. I don’t mind having someone over who is of a different religion. That doesn’t bother me, but my eight-year-old nephew lives here, and the guy is befriending my nephew purposely…
Read MoreI think you misunderstood the vision of the tree of life in the Book of Mormon
Question: You had some problems with Lehi and Nephi’s visions of the Tree of Life. If you would like to truly understand what they are talking about, you ought to try and draw a picture of the vision. I have a friend who did just that and for the first time was able to really…
Read MoreIsn’t the best way to preserve something is to hide it?
Question: In reference to deletions, or missing portions of ancient scripture, please consider the following instance: In Matthew is the declaration that Jesus dwelt in Nazareth, “that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene” (Matthew 2:23). Is there any instance of this prophecy in the Old…
Read MoreThank you for helping to defend my beliefs against Mormonism
Question: I just wanted to say thanks for the article “The Mormon Plan of Salvation”. My new husband is Mormon and loves the fact that I have strong faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ. However, he, of course, feels like I am missing a vital part of true salvation. Therefore, the missionaries have been visiting…
Read MoreThe Character of the Bible’s Witnesses
by Jerry Blount “You are My witnesses,” declares the LORD, “and My servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe Me and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me. I, even I, am the LORD, and there is no…
Read MoreThe Mormon Plan of Salvation
by Dudley Ross Spears When Mormon authorities talk about salvation it is imperative that what they teach be understood in terms of Mormon Doctrine. It is quite easy to be misled by what they have to say about salvation due to a failure to understand what fundamental Mormon doctrine teaches. As you will see as…
Read MoreWon’t a Mormon disagree that their book doesn’t teach pre-existence of mortal man?
Question: I will be the first to tell you that I am not a Mormon. The article on your web site entitled, How to Use the Book of Mormon, is very good. But keep in mind, that a Mormon could challenge your article where it says that the Mormon doctrine of pre-existence is not found in the book…
Read MoreTesting Mormonism
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I John 3:23-4:3 I. Those promoting the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, will often ask you to pray to the Holy Spirit about their Book of Mormon A. “Pray,” they will ask of you, “and see if the Spirit tells you that what is in this book is…
Read MoreWhat do Mormons teach about family relationships?
Question: I need some scriptural help with my father. I was not raised as a Mormon, but my father converted two years ago. Recently he yelled at me and essentially told me to get out and never come back to his house. I would like to know what the Mormon church teaches about how a…
Read MoreHow to Use the Book of Mormon
by Dudley Ross Spears The “Book of Mormon” is one of several alleged “revelations” the followers of the late Joseph Smith, Jr. accept as divinely inspired. While they give some credence to the Bible, “as far as it is translated correctly” (Articles of Faith, # 8), the Book of Mormon is their mainstay. They never…
Read MoreJust because the Book of Mormon contains errors, it doesn’t make it doctrinally wrong
Question: Your interpretations to the quotations taken from various Mormon theologians are gross and inaccurate. You take them out of context and obviously don’t understand what they really mean. The ancient people of America wrote the book and excused their flaws as mortal men. Never the less, being commanded to record the things of God, the…
Read MoreHe Didn’t Write It
by Robert McKay Mormons believe that the Book of Mormon is a product of divine inspiration. They feel that God both caused the book to be written and provided means for its translation. Mormons are adamant in taking the position that Joseph Smith did not write the Book of Mormon. Bruce R. McConkie wrote, “no man (and this…
Read MoreCircular Reasoning in the Book of Mormon
by Jon Gary Williams The book of Mormon closes with an appeal to pray to God asking Him to reveal that the book is true. An assurance is then given that if one is “sincere” God will “manifest” that it is true (see Moroni 10:4). However, this is circular reasoning. First, after assuming (expecting) the…
Read MoreMormonism and the Virgin Birth of Christ
by Connie W. Adams via Guardian of Truth XXXIX: 5 p. 3-4, March 2, 1995 “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not…
Read MoreJoseph Smith or Jesus Christ?
by Gilbert Alexander God has spoken to us in these last days by His Son, whose name is Jesus or Immanuel (Matthew 1:21,23; Hebrews 1:1-4). His message is the New Testament, the gospel of Christ, the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Hebrews 8:6; Mark 16:15-16; Romans 10:16; Jude 3). Do you firmly…
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