Why isn’t more time spent on spreading the golden rule?

Question: Yes, I did generalize your views when I inferred that the church goes after sins of the “flesh” and homophobic is one of the words I used to describe your stance. After reading your response it turned out that I was right in your case. It seems that the church (I know that’s a…

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Love Never Ends

by Sam Stinson “I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or the does of the field, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases.” (Song Of Solomon 2:7, ESV) Love is essential for Christ’s disciples. Love is a desire we awaken so that the abilities we practice and the…

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What Can Kill a Church?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Revelation 3:1-6   I.         The certainty of life is that it will eventually be followed by death – Ecclesiastes 9:5             A.        And it is not just people who die, churches die as well.                         1.         Unlike people, churches don’t have to die, but they do.             B.        The church at Sardis appeared to be alive, but…

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Why are there different denominations?

Question: Why are there different denominations between Christians? Answer: A denomination is a division and, yes, among those calling themselves “Christian” there are a great many divisions. Even among a particular denomination, there are divisions as evidenced by the Episcopals’ arguments over their homosexual bishop, the United Methodists’ arguments on where to allow homosexual unions,…

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Raising Children

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.       This generation is full of unusual ideas about how to raise children           A.      Many are leftovers of failed experiments that continue to hang around.                     1.       Don’t spank children                               a.       It is a form of child abuse or could lead to it.                               b.       It is unnatural to restrict children                     2.       Ignore children – you have your own…

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Waiting for the Proper Time

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Few youngsters enjoy being told they must wait. When a thought enters their heads, they want to act on it right now. If they desire something, it must be in their possession right now. Any delay to a person who has not lived long appears to be impossibly long. Unfortunately, there…

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