What if Judas had given Jesus permission to kill him?

Question: There is a question I have about Judas in the gospels who betrayed Jesus and committed suicide. I was curious that if Judas instead of committing suicide, decided to give Jesus permission to kill him, do you think that Jesus would have done that? Jesus could decide that since he is God and has…

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Judas Iscariot

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/2015Spring5JudasIscariot.mp3 by Jonathan Perz Spreading the Gospel

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Was Judas Really a Traitor?

by Bob Prichard via House to House, Vol. 17, No. 5 In conjunction with “Easter season:’ the National Geographic Society released an ancient document dubbed the “Gospel of Judas.” In their news releases, National Geographic indicated the information in this third-century papyrus codex threatened the “official” doctrine of the church by offering an alternative view of…

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If Jesus knew Judas would betray him, why did Jesus have him around?

Question: If Jesus knew Judas would betray him, why did Jesus entertain Judas until that time? Answer: Paul addressed a similar question, though he looked back at a far older event. When it was time for the Israelites to be freed from bondage, people wondered why did God put such an evil man in as…

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Was Judas at the Last Supper?

Question: My question concerns Judas and his participation or not, in the first Lord’s Supper. I have read over the verses concerning the Lord’s Supper, the night Jesus initiated it. Luke 22:14-22 appears to say he was there, and after the supper, Jesus then identified Judas as the one to betray Him. Mark 14:17-26 indicates…

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Wasn’t Judas’ problem betrayal and not suicide?

Question: I don’t think Judas’ suicide was the great issue. The main issue was the betrayal of Jesus. Jesus even said the disciples that it would have been better than the one that betrays the Son of Man not have been born. It just seems Judas will be judged for his betrayal than suicide. What…

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Why is suicide a sin?

Question: Why is suicide a sin? Answer: At first, it seems to be a strange question because the answer is so obvious. But the young man who asked this is struggling with how to explain it to someone he knows. The difficulty is that you can’t turn in your Bibles to a passage that says…

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by Jeffrey W. Hamilton “Your church is not organized as the early church was. Where are your apostles?” Such was the contention of two Mormon “elders” who came to my door one day. It is not the only time I have heard such a question; there are several denominations that claim to have apostles, especially…

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