Posts Tagged ‘joy’
God Wants Me to Be Happy
by Zeke Flores “God wants me to be happy!” How many times have you heard that from someone? How often might you have said it yourself? Interestingly, the Bible says nothing like that. It does say that God wants you to be holy (I Peter 1:14-16), which is much deeper and far more significant than…
Read MoreLive Joyfully!
by Paul Earnhart Biblical Insights 14(9) September 2014 The Preacher concluded the eighth chapter with another of his oft-repeated observations that God’s ways are inscrutable to men, however wise (Ecclesiastes 8:17). Job, in his misery, twice asks plaintively: “But where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?” (Job 28:12, 20). He then…
Read MoreRejoice in the Lord Always
by Terry Wane Benton It is noteworthy that Paul had been in prison for two years in Caesarea, then had a terrible shipping mishap from Caesarea to Rome, and was under house arrest in Rome for two more years, but writes to the Philippian brethren to “rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4). He did…
Read MoreThat Your Joy May Be Full
by Terry Wane Benton Jesus prayed that those who would become His disciples would have a joy that is full (John 17:13; 15:11-13; 16:22). It would come through knowing the truth of the apostle’s eyewitness testimony of Jesus which provided the basis for the conviction that Jesus addresses our need of a cleansed and cleared…
Read MoreRighteousness, Peace, and Joy in Jesus’ Kingdom
by Terry Wane Benton “For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17). The kingdom should feature an emphasis on righteousness. Living by righteous standards is what the kingdom is about. Dietary laws of the Old Testament had illustration value in foreshadowing…
Read MoreWhat does “delight yourself in the Lord” mean?
Question: Good evening, I appreciate you! I have a question for you if you don’t mind. Psalm 37:4 says to “delight yourself in the Lord.” Is that the same as “rejoicing in the Lord” or are they different? Thanks. Answer: “Do not fret because of evildoers, be not envious toward wrongdoers. For they will wither…
Read MoreThe Joy of Obedience by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 1:3-9 I. Despite the persecutions Christians faced in the first century, there was joy – I Peter 1:3-9 A. A great joy, an inexpressible joy, was had knowing that they were saved B. That joy overrode all the hardships of life II. This attitude is strange to a number of…
Read MoreJoyful Devotion
by George Slover “For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God Than dwell in the tents of wickedness. For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold…
Read MoreBe of Good Cheer by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 4:4-13 I. It is easy to look at the bad side of things A. Some people seem to only see the bad side of things 1. No matter what happens, it has a dark side 2. These people seem to be only grumpy and miserable 3. Their only pleasure seems to be…
Read MoreBlessed in What He Does by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: James 1:21-25 I. Sin is the breaking of law – I John 3:4 A. Sin is universally found in mankind – Romans 5:12 B. Thus, we cannot be surprised that rebellion (going against authority) is also widespread C. Obedience then is submitting to authority. It is subjecting your will to the will…
Read MoreHow can trials be counted as joy?
Question: I struggle with the idea of being joyful during trials. I know James said, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (James 1:2-4),…
Read MoreSmile a While
by Jefferson David Tant Among the many things Jamaica is known for are the many little song ditties. In working there for over 30 years, my wife and I have come to learn and enjoy them. One that we enjoy and that is often sung after the closing prayer of a church service is “Smile…
Read MoreHold to God’s Unchanging Hand
by Jefferson David Tant In many of our songbooks, there is a song by the title of this article, and the words were written by Jennie Wilson. The song’s first stanza says, Time is filled with swift transition Naught of earth unmoved can stand Build your hopes on things eternal, Hold to God’s unchanging hand.…
Read MoreIs entertainment the devil’s substitute for joy?
Question: I recently listened to a sermon where the preacher said, if I remember correctly, “Entertainment is the devil’s substitute for joy. The more joy you have in the Lord the less entertainment you need.” Is that so? Before becoming a Christian, I had these habits of reading and consuming culture for selfish reasons, now…
Read MoreHow to be Happy by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 4:1-7 I. Are you happy? Truly happy? A. For many people the answer is “I would be happy, if …” 1. If something changed, then I could be happy. 2. Sometimes the change is something simple. “Once I lose another ten pounds, I’ll be happy.” 3. But too often the demand is…
Read MoreWhat can I do to find joy in Christ?
Question: Hi, I’m a young, desperate man (I am 15 years old). In my country most people are Catholic. I hold Protestant views and even though my father visits the Catholic service, I go to the Protestant service on Sunday. Since I have been saved last fall, there is a lot of struggle going on…
Read MoreStillness and Joy
by Gary Henry “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalms 46:10). Nowadays, one reason we know so little about joy is that we know so little about stillness. In this age of the world, most of us are busy with a myriad of priorities and projects. And we pride ourselves in it. The…
Read MoreThe Best Day of the Year
by Forrest D. Moyer July 1986 “Write on your hearts that every day is the best day of the year.” [Ralph Waldo Emerson] There is such a fault among us — especially in myself. We tend to think that somewhere in this year there is going to be a very special day or maybe a…
Read MoreMistakes of a Rich Man by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 12:13-21 I. Someone approached Jesus, asking him to settle a dispute over an inheritance. A. Jesus declined, stating that it wasn’t his occupation B. But he pointed out the root problem between the brothers – greed 1. We know this without even knowing the facts in the case. 2. Whether it was…
Read MoreJoys Of Christianity: God’s Grace by Garry Floyd
Read MoreBe a Better Person
by Carey Scott Don’t we all wish that everyone would be a better person? Do we not hope that some bad people would turn their lives around and start doing good? Do we wish our neighbors would treat us better than before? Do we hope that the people we meet each day would show us…
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