Posts Tagged ‘impartiality’
Without Respect of Persons
by Kyle Pope via Biblical Insights, Vol. 14, No. 9, September 2014 James 2:1 declares, “My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality” (NKJV). The King James Version and the American Standard Version use the phrase “with respect of persons” rather than “partiality.” In the original text,…
Read MoreThere Is No Partiality with God by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 2:1-11 I. People tend to be biased. A. We have our viewpoints. We have our favorites. We understand that being unbiased is a better position, but biased views always creep into our decisions. 1. Listen to a radio commentator. It doesn’t take long to figure out wether he is conservative…
Read MoreIf God gave one person a gift of healing but not another, does that make Him a respecter of persons?
Question: If God gave someone the gift of healing but to another person he did not, would that make Him a respecter of persons? Answer: “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who…
Read MoreDoes God sometimes show favoritism?
Question: In Acts 10:34-35, Peter said, “I now realize God does not show favoritism but accepts men who fear him and do what is right”. I believe sometimes God shows favoritism. In Romans 9:13 and Malachi 1:2-3, it is written: “Jacob I love, Esau I hated.” Here God favored Jacob even with all the sins…
Read MoreWas God once a respecter of persons during the Old Law?
Question: I was studying Acts 10:34,35 where the Bible says that God is no respecter of persons, but now accepts all nations who fear him (also Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9; James 2:1-4,9). Is it safe to say that God at one time was a respecter of persons by only accepting the Jewish nation, or am…
Read MoreIs giving a gift to a well-placed friend wrong?
Question: I want to know more about bribes, If we know some people in control, like a chief or head of a department, and we are friendly with them, perhaps sometimes giving a gift or support at a time of need, such as a sick family member, and that person favors us, not to pervert…
Read MoreIf God doesn’t show favoritism, then why was Abel’s sacrifice accepted and Cain’s was rejected?
Question: The Bible says that God does not show favoritism toward anyone. So how is it that He favored Abel over Cain, and accepted Abel’s offering while rejecting Cain’s? Answer: By saying that God is impartial (Romans 2:11), what is being said is that God doesn’t favor one person over another based on external attributes.…
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