Pagan Ways Transferred to Christians: Looking for Signs

by Terry Wane Benton On the Isle of Malta, Paul found some friendly natives. When a viper bit Paul, these people read that as a sign. They were wrong, and people who try to read events as signs today are borrowing from paganism. In Acts 28:1-4, the natives read the viper event as a sign…

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Can Pets Become Idols?

by Terry Wane Benton I think we can see an unhealthy attachment to anything becomes a form of idolatry, the same as covetousness for money becomes a form of idolatry (Colossians 3:5). When our love for animals gets in the way of doing what God says, it can become a form of idolatry. We hear…

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Pomp and Pageantry

by Doy Moyer Pomp and ceremony do not make worship more holy any more than does the physical location. God seeks true worshippers who worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). He does not need the inventions of our hands, does not dwell in buildings made with our hands, and is not impressed by our…

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by Zeke Flores Theism is alive and well. Aside from those religions that venerate men (Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, and Islam, to name a few), some worship supernatural deities (Greek mythology, Hinduism, and many other Eastern religions). There are gods of our own making (money, sex, relationships) which we hope will save us from _________ (fill in…

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The Direction of Your Life

The Direction of Your Life – Part 1The Direction of Your Life by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 6:19-24   I.         Whenever I taught someone to drive, I was reminded that people have a tendency to go in the direction they are looking.             A.        When a person first learns to drive, they tend to look at things…

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Pagan Ideas of God by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Micah 7:15-20   I.         Through the ages man has had difficulty grasping the concept of God             A.        As Christians, we understand that God is a Spirit – John 4:24             B.        But for the common man, without the knowledge of the Scriptures, that idea is too vague. So God is remade in their…

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The Root Cause of Sexual Sins

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I’ve become fascinated by the lists presented in the Bible when I came to realize that many of them are more than a collection of related items. Permit me to illustrate this with a list that Paul gave in Colossians 3. “Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead…

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Is imagining what God is like idolatry?

Question: Hi Mr. Hamilton, How have you been? I’ve been wondering, is it sinful or idolatrous for me to try and picture God or Christ in my mind? This is often something I do whenever I pray for God’s wisdom on a matter, when I’m stressed out about something and just want to leave those…

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Solomon: Failure of the World’s Wisest Man

by Max Dawson In my mind, it is one of the most difficult things to reconcile. How did it happen? How could it possibly happen? I am talking about King Solomon. How did the wisest man in the world mess up so badly? How did a man with such a great beginning have such a…

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A City Full of Idols

by Matthew W. Bassford As all of us are doubtless aware, we are currently in the middle of Pride Month, a celebration of a number of different lifestyles the Bible condemns as sinful. In case we have forgotten, anytime we shop at a chain store, displays and decorations all remind us. I would not be…

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Lies People Protect

by Terry Wane Benton In the first century, Paul exposed the lies people were telling each other. It was that an animal is a god to be worshiped (Romans1:18-26) and that such gods allow us to make up our moral standards as we desire. Thus, one lie protected all kinds of sin. Since the moral…

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No Other Gods by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Isaiah 40:12-26   I.         The Ten Commandments formed the prologue to the Law of Moses             A.        They were the foundation of the Old Law             B.        Even though the Law of Moses ended, nine of those ten commandments are still in effect today.             C.        Understanding these basic laws can help us understand the New…

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Elisha’s She Bears Download Audio by Ralph Walker Did the prophet really unleash two bears to kill a host of little boys? For making fun of his baldness? How sensitive can a prophet be? Preaching the Bloody Bible

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Against All the Gods of Egypt by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Exodus 12:1-13   I.         The descendants of Jacob moved to Egypt because of a severe famine and within a short time became slaves in that land – Genesis 15:13             A.        Yet, God promised to rescue them and returned them to land promised to Abraham.             B.        When the time came, God raised up…

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Sometimes the Best Thing to Do is Run! by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Colossians 3:1-15   I.         Timothy was admonished to fight the good fight – I Timothy 6:12             A.        We are in a battle for our lives, and we must have the courage to do battle – Ephesians 6:10-18             B.        We cannot be passive against sin – James 4:7             C.        But a person trained in…

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Present Your Case by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Thessalonians 5:21-22   I.         The Apostle Paul challenges Christians everywhere to prove all things – I Thessalonians 5:21-22             A.        Jude 3 tells us to contend earnestly for the faith             B.        I Peter 3:15 tells us to be ready to give an answer to every question                         1.         The Greek word is the one…

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The Root of Bitterness

by Matthew W. Bassford Most of us have had an experience, invariably bad, with bitter people. Something has happened to them that they have continued to resent for years or decades, and they often take out their resentment on those who are closest to them. Frequently, we turn to Hebrews 12:15 for a Biblical condemnation…

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Are movies that depict Jesus violating the rule to make no image of God?

Question: Hello, I have a couple of questions. Does the movie “The Passion of Christ” violate Exodus 20:4-5? I understand that there is no idol worship here, but making images from that which is in heaven would apply, it seems. I read your article about the review of the movie and this issue was not…

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Where do prayers go?

Question: Where do all prayers go? Does God answer all prayers, even those of Muslims, Hindus, etc. although they pray to false gods? I heard from someone that the Bible says all prayers and praise reach God only. Is there scriptural evidence for this? Thanks. Answer: There is only one God. The gods of other…

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Will you explain Exodus 32:30 to me?

Question: Will you explain Exodus 32:30 to me? Answer: “On the next day Moses said to the people, “You yourselves have committed a great sin; and now I am going up to the LORD, perhaps I can make atonement for your sin”” (Exodus 32:30). Israel had broken the first two commandments God had given them (Exodus 20:3-4)…

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Limping Between Two Opinions

by Matthew W. Bassford The story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal is one of the most famous in the book of I Kings. Even though the direction of the book is generally downward, I Kings 18 contains a moment of spiritual triumph. However, even before the triumph takes place, there are still lessons…

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And Then There Were None by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Amos 6:3-11   I.         One of my favorite mystery writers was Agatha Christie. She would write books where you tried to figure out who did it before the end of the book, but in the process you were distracted by so many possibilities.             A.        One of my favorites was based on…

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Christians in First Century Corinth

by Hugh DeLong We live (lived, past tense, as our world is quickly changing), in a time when Christianity (the basic principles) is the majority belief. The concept of one god is accepted. Such was not true back in the first century. The pagan world was full of gods. Such were woven into the very fabric of the lives…

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What Is Idolatry? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Isaiah 44:9-20   I.         I got into a discussion with a teenager about what exactly is idolatry             A.        He had the impression that anything you really liked was an idol, whether it was sports, cars, or girls             B.        “What is an idol? Well, it is the thing. It is the thing loved…

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Is it wrong to look at images of Hindu gods?

Question: I have a question: you see, with my religion now, I tend to look at other religions. Not for worship but there are some religious gods in Hinduism that I usually research because they look interesting, such as the art that is made of them. Is that bad? If I’m interested in them but…

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What is the difference between idolatry and obsessions?

Question: Hello! I just read a question answered on your website about idolatry: Is having a symbol of Christianity idolatry? In it, idolatry was defined as “anything you turn to for guidance or security.” While that makes sense, to what level of guidance and security are you describing?  You see, I still sleep with my Blankie,…

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Will God forgive me for worshiping idols to please my mother?

Question: I am 21 years old. My mum is a Buddhist, which forces me to worship Buddhist idols. But I am a Catholic and she opposes me and scolds me. She even denies Jesus publicly. I am not yet baptized because of her. What should I do? Will God forgive me because of my worship…

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Are animal guides compatible with Christianity?

Question: I’m a teen and I got in trouble with my mom just for trying to contact my spirit animal. She said not to do it again because she does not want me to get possessed by a demon. She did not explain to me how or why. I was reading this question and answer…

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Should I participate in my parents’ Hindu burial ceremonies?

Question: Dear Sir, I am from Malaysia. I and my whole family accepted Christ as our personal savior. We submitted ourselves to him and in due time we will be having our water baptism by our local church pastor. But my parents have not accepted Christ as they are Hindu. My parent both are quite…

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Is it a sin to divorce someone who forces you to worship idols?

Question: I need to know something: Is it a sin to divorce someone who forces you to worship idols? I have been praying fasting for my husband to stop. He sees the light for a short period but he goes back again. This has been happening for years. His family wants to force me to…

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What is meant by abstaining from things polluted by idols?

Question: Hello Jeff, After reading Acts 15:20,29; 21:25; Revelation 2:14, 20 it seems it was wrong for Christians to eat food sacrificed to idols but in I Corinthians 8 it seems OK. It seems to me after reading Revelation 2:14, 20 the churches in Pergamos and in Thyatira were told to repent of eating things…

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What about ghosts, sacrificing to the dead, and sin?

Question: I have doubts about certain religions. People have asked me what I believe regarding these things and I honestly don’t know what the Bible says about it. You probably know about religions that preach about “ghosts” or “spirits.” I’ve even heard about people who sacrifice animals or other people to get something they want.…

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Can you believe in the zodiac at least partially?

Question: Is it OK to believe in the zodiac, at least partially? I know that not everything relates to it or that it describes someone’s character, but some of that information seems too realistic. Is this some kind of tool the Devil uses to get us to believe in his lies and not the real Truth…

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Your article on the queen of heaven was excellent

Question: We are studying in Jeremiah on Wednesday nights for the next few months and I was doing research on what the “queen of heaven” might be for our preacher, who teaches the class. I’ve copied the article and given credit to La Vista Church of Christ. It’s an excellent article. I have visited your web site before,…

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Why was there an idol in David’s house?

Question: In I Samuel 19:13, why was there an idol in David and Michal’s house? I know Saul erected a monument for himself in Carmel (I Samuel 15:12). Did Saul and his children worship other gods? Answer: The Hebrew word teraphim is often translated as a “household idol,” but some translators, such as Koehler-Baumgartner, think that it…

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Is it wrong to have images of animals or men for toys?

Question: Are stuffed toys, teddy bears, barbie dolls, and so on related to witchcraft? In Deuteronomy 4:4-18 it mentions graven images. Is this really referring to teddy bears, stuffed toys, and so forth? As I believe, these verses are related to idols that people worshipped. Teddy bears, stuffed toys are only toys and not represent…

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The Temple of the Lord by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Corinthians 6:14-7:1   I.         What is a temple?             A.        In warning Christians not to bind themselves with unbelievers, Paul reminds us that we are the temple of God – II Corinthians 6:16                         1.         It is the place where God dwells – I Corinthians 3:16                         2.         Both on an individual scale as well…

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