Does the Spirit physically indwell a person?

Question: If the Holy Spirit never physically indwelled anyone in the Scripture; how is one to explain the concept of “the Spirit came upon them?” Answer: I don’t believe I ever said that the Holy Spirit never physically came upon anyone, though the Spirit is, well, spiritual and not physical. When Jesus was baptized we…

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Who Is God?

I.         You run into many strange ideas in the world concerning God             A.        We have people stating that there is only one being called God                         1.         The Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that His name is Jehovah                         2.         There are Pentecostal sects who claim he is Jesus                         3.         I haven’t run across any that claim He is only the Holy Spirit, though…

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Is the Spirit only given to the obedient?

Question: In your study on Cornelius, you indicated that receiving the Holy Spirit did not necessarily indicate that a person believed or was saved. You cited the examples of Saul and Balaam as proof, but doesn’t Acts 5:32 contradicts this? Answer: The study being referred to is “Cornelius Received the Holy Spirit.” Acts 5:32 states, “And we…

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by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I was asked if I could explain the concept of indwelling, specifically the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It is an interesting question because what is asked is not necessarily what the questioner intended to ask. Most who ask this question have numerous misconceptions that interfere with a plain answer to…

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