Posts Tagged ‘heart’
Calling Attention to the Heart
by Doy Moyer One can work and not have faith, but one cannot have a living faith and not work. One can do for others and not have love, but one cannot love and not do for others. We may be prone to evaluating the outward works, the visible doing, “but the LORD looks on…
Read MoreWho Deserves Your Heart?
by Terry Wane Benton “Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice: ‘Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and…
Read MoreA Heart of Stone or a Heart of Flesh?
by Jarrod M. Jacobs Twice in the book of Ezekiel, God spoke about the fact that He would take the people and remove their “stony heart” so they might have a heart of “flesh” (Ezekiel 11:19; 36:26). In context, the “stony” heart describes the person who has been disobedient and obstinate against God. The heart…
Read MoreClean Hands and a Pure Heart by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 24 I. People want to get to heaven, but it seems many don’t want to put much effort into getting there. A. Jesus warned – Luke 13:3 B. The example of the Jews should be enough – I Corinthians 10:1-12 1. They were God’s chosen people, but they didn’t make it.…
Read MoreA Heartfelt Religion by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreDevelop Your Mind for God by Doy Moyer Seeking God
Read MoreFinding God
by Don Bunting “If you want to find God … look inside your own heart.” Really? It is often suggested that the path to truth and knowing God is to look deep within yourself, to search your own mind and feelings. I believe it is important for us to know ourselves and be honest about…
Read MoreThe Atheist’s Motives Text: Proverbs 4:20-27 I. Consider the offer A. Atheism offers 1. No absolute morality. Everything is subjective. 2. No meaning to your life. Life is just a span of time, where you suffer for a while before you are squished into oblivion. 3. No hope about your future. B. Christianity offers 1. A clear, absolute morality with guidelines 2. There is…
Read MoreIs the heart the same thing as the mind?
Question: The brethren here have been asking about the mind and heart in reference to salvation. When one believes from the heart, is it the same thing as the mind doing it? Some passages say the heart does something and other passages say the mind does them. Answer: “Jesus said to him,” ‘You shall love…
Read MoreDoes sin start in the heart or can we blame the influence of others?
Question: Based on Matthew 15:19 and James 1:13-15, does all sin begin in the hearts and minds of people? When thinking about a possible transgression, should we put our desires and motives under consideration? Should we blame any outside influence or are our sinful hearts the greater concern when it comes to sin? Answer: “For…
Read MoreKeeping Your Heart by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreThe Deceitful Heart
by Daniel H. King Sr. via Guardian of Truth XXXIX: 2 p. 22-23, January 19, 1995 The prophet Jeremiah’s life and the unique experiences which he had with Israel, offered him a “laboratory” to study the workings of the human heart. God had entrusted him with a message of dismay, desolation, and destruction for the land of…
Read MoreA Heart that Devises Wicked Plans
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton A. Eph. 4:17 – Don’t walk like the Gentiles do, in the vainity of their minds. B. They have their own teachers telling them that everything is fine – Jer. 23:7 C. A carnal, or wordly, mind is at odds with God’s purpose – Rom. 8:7
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