Posts Tagged ‘God the Father’
Is Jesus Equal to or Lesser than the Father?
by William J. Stewart Question: In John 10:30, the apostle pens the words of Jesus, “I and My Father are one.” Again, Jesus’ words are recorded in John 14:28, “Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said,…
Read MoreHow can Christ be equal to the Father when he submitted to the Father?
Question: I read the article, ‘Who was the angel that Jacob wrestled with at Jabbok?’, and I was a bit confused. If Christ was called a messenger of God before he took a lower form (Philippians 2:6-8), how can we argue objectively with the Jehovah’s Witnesses that he is equal to God? In I Corinthians…
Read MoreThe Godhead Dwells in Us
by Whit Sasser God Dwells in Christians II Corinthians 6:16 Ephesians 4:6 Philippians 2:13 I John 4:12-16 Christians Dwell in God I John 4:15-16 Christ Dwells in Christians Colossians 3:11 John 6:56 John 15:4-5 John 17:23, 26 Galatians 2:20 Galatians 4:19 II Corinthians 4:10-11 II Corinthians 13:5 Ephesians 3:17 Romans 8:20 Philippians 1:20 Christians Dwell…
Read MoreIs the Father the only true God?
Question: In Do You Believe in Three Gods or One? it is stated: We believe in the one true and living God because the Bible teaches it. Jesus identifies who the “one true and living God” is in John 17:3 which states in the King James Version: “And this is life eternal, that they might…
Read MoreDid God or Christ lead Israel?
Question: Hi Mr. Jeffrey, I was reading this article: Immorality: The Forbidden Territory, and found this statement: “The Israelites even had Christ on their side! How often do we quote, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13)? The Israelites’ access to Christ did not allow most of them to reach…
Read MoreDid Jesus always have all authority?
Question: In Matthew’s 28:18, why was all authority given to Jesus? Did he not have all authority already? And in I Corinthians it says that He will give all authority back to his Father. Please explain this to me. Answer: “And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to…
Read MoreWhy does Jesus say the Father is greater than him if they are equal and Jesus is God?
Question: Why does Jesus say in John 14:28 the Father is greater than him if they are equal and Jesus is God? Answer: That Jesus is God is clearly declared by John: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with…
Read MoreWho must we believe in to go to heaven, God or Jesus?
Question: Who must we believe in to go to heaven, God or Jesus? Answer: The answer is both. You cannot believe in one without believing in the other. “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You,…
Read MoreThe spirit cannot be God
Question: [Note: This has been severely reduced from the original because it was too long and filled with twisted usage of the Scriptures. I am only presenting a summary so you can get the gist of the arguments made.] The spirit cannot be God. If your congregation is singing praises to the holy spirit, you…
Read MoreBy what name shall we address the Father?
Question: By what name shall we address the Father? Answer: God, the Father, refers to Himself by a variety of names. The implication is that one name alone is inadequate to describe His nature. The sermon outline, “The Name of God” for a list of names and their meanings. When you address your parents, I…
Read MoreAre Jesus, the Father, and the Spirit three manifestations of the same one Spirit?
Question: I see that you believe in the water baptism and the necessity of that being the remission of the sins that are forgiven. I note that in the Book of Acts, and God showed me this at 16 years old, that the apostles always baptized in the name of Jesus. The power of heaven…
Read MoreWho should we worship: God, the Father, or Jesus Christ?
Question: Who should we worship: God, the Father, or Jesus Christ? Answer: Since both are God, that is they, along with the Holy Spirit, make up the Godhead, they are both worshiped. “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker” (Psalm 95:6). “Then those who were in…
Read MoreDoes “Jehovah” always refer to the Father?
Question: Does Jehovah always refer to the Father? It occurred to me that it might also refer to the Godhead in its fullness. Does anyone know and if so, how can we know? What biblical evidence is there for this? Answer: This is really hard to prove since Young’s Literal Translation uses the word Jehovah…
Read MoreOur Father in Heaven
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 11:1-13 I. God calls us to be His special people – II Corinthians 6:16-18 A. If we will separate ourselves from the world, God will be our Father and we will be His sons and daughters B. Why did God pick the role of a father to describe His relationship with…
Read MoreShould the Father only be addressed as Yahweh and the Son as Yahshua?
Question: I have stopped using the words “God” and “Jesus”. It has come as a revelation and blessing to me that these words are inappropriate as names for our Father and His Son. There is a whole “World” in their names Yahweh and Yahshua. Answer: Oddly enough, God uses the name “God” (elohim in Hebrew, theos in Greek)…
Read MoreSubtle References to the Trinity of God
Text: Isaiah 48:12-16 I. Often I find people making statements, such “the Holy Spirit is never said to be Deity, Divine in any way.” Or, statements that Jesus is the first of creation and thus is not fully God (or divine). A. The problem is that proof or denial often requires a complete knowledge of the…
Read MoreShould we call on Jesus or Jehovah to be saved?
Question: Should we call on Jesus or Jehovah to be saved? Answer: The question assumes that God the Father and God the Son have different desires for our salvation. Yet Jesus stated, “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may…
Read MoreWhat is God’s name?
Question: What is God’s name? The Jehovah’s Witnesses tell me it is “Jehovah,” but that appears less than ten times in my Bible. Answer: The name “Jehovah” appears eight times in the King James Version of the Bible. It is not used in the New American Standard Bible or the New King James Version. However,…
Read MoreWho Is God?
I. You run into many strange ideas in the world concerning God A. We have people stating that there is only one being called God 1. The Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that His name is Jehovah 2. There are Pentecostal sects who claim he is Jesus 3. I haven’t run across any that claim He is only the Holy Spirit, though…
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