I’m so gloomy. What can I do?

Question: I roam around with a gloomy expression most of the time. I remember her a lot, and I miss her too much. Whenever I see a couple I feel the absence of her. Is there anything that I could do to forget all these things and start looking forward to my future? What should…

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I need someone to talk to

Question: I try very hard to open my heart to God, but since I moved to another country my heart turned to stone. I go to church but I feel like a hypocrite. When I am in church I start to think about the rent to pay and the things I need to do. I…

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Is being a Christian more than the things in the Bible?

Question: It took me 24 years to really realize what being a follower of Christ truly means. In a nutshell, to love God and love people. My dad and I had a disagreement last night on what a true follower of Christ really is. Now, to be clear I really think there are a few…

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Beliefs Not Found in the Bible

Author Unknown via The Jackson Drive Reporter, Oct. 4, 2009 Men say: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” The Bible says: “And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire…

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Why don’t I feel forgiven?

Question: I accepted Christ when I was in my twenties. Like most, I have had times when I was close to God, and times when I was not. I have struggled with a sex and porn addiction since I was a teenager. I am doing well with it for the last few months and have…

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Can a Christian come back after falling several times?

Question: I’ve been pondering and thinking about it all. Here’s my question, can a saved Christian after he’s saved and changes his lifestyle, shrink back? Fall from the faith? Go back to his old ways? And then return back to Christ? For a more clear illustration: Say a young man is involved with gang activity,…

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Is the saying “follow your heart” wrong?

Question: I want to ask about these verses: “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23). I have read verses like these (I know there are others) from topics on Christian Dating and I…

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Why do I feel that God hasn’t totally forgiven me?

Question: First of all, I would like to say that I find this website an excellent way to learn about the Lord and to be educated on the Bible, and I find myself becoming a regular user with regard to asking questions in full assurance that I will receive the answer I seek. My question…

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Did God want me to have sex?

Question: Hi, I just discovered this website today, and I had a question. There is this girl that I have fallen in love with. She is everything to me. I prayed all the time asking what I should do with her and where I should go with this. I’m very close to God, and whenever…

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Can We Trust Our Feelings About Salvation?

by Mike Johnson via simplebiblestudies.com Some people claim to rely solely on their feelings for assurance of personal salvation. They may say, “I know that I am saved because I feel that I am.” They will often ignore very plain passages in the Bible about salvation because of a “feeling” that they have. Some are heard…

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All Feeling, No Proof

by Robert Turner via Plain Talk, April 1970 The current rash or tongue-speaking, miracle-sanctioning, and the far more common errors concerning direct Spirit indwelling, that infects many institutional churches of Christ, was not brought to earth in the Apollo 11 moon dust. It sprang from causes within the ranks. Last month we suggested that reaction to…

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The Deceitful Heart

by Daniel H. King Sr. via Guardian of Truth XXXIX: 2 p. 22-23, January 19, 1995 The prophet Jeremiah’s life and the unique experiences which he had with Israel, offered him a “laboratory” to study the workings of the human heart. God had entrusted him with a message of dismay, desolation, and destruction for the land of…

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How can I go back to being the happy-go-lucky person I used to be?

Question: I have gone from the a motivated, enthusiastic, happy go lucky person to a depressed, fearful wretch and cannot seem to recover.  I know you will tell me to seek professional help, which I am.  I see a doctor and am on medication.  I search the Internet and read the Bible every day. What…

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Can depression make you feel empty?

Question: Can our own minds push us away from God? I mean, if you’re too hurt, can you feel dead? I’ve been really hurt lately. I haven’t had the intent to do anything. My parents are worried and my friends. I’m feeling like I never did before. I spend every minute of my day thinking about…

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Worship: The Emotional Component

by Warren E. Berkley “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth,” (John 4:24). Every element of true worship involves some emotional component. The emotional component is not driven by a direct operation of the Holy Spirit (as in Calvinism) or “getting the Holy Spirit” (as in Charismatic practice). The…

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Is It Wrong to Have Romantic Feelings?

by Clem Thurman via Gospel Minutes, Vol. 58, No. 40, Oct. 2, 2009 “And Jehovah God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make for him a help meet for him” (Genesis 2:18). God intended that man should have a mate, a woman, and that that woman should have a…

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How do I get motivated?

Question: I am wondering how I can gain motivation to do things in life. I don’t think I am depressed, but I often find myself not having the desire to do certain things such as setting time for prayer or Bible study (though I read the Bible every morning), or serving at certain events such…

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Can you discuss “gut feelings?”

Question: We have been having some great discussions at Bible study about gut feelings; for example, when some say I have a gut feeling about that person, but we have never met that person. I got a gut feeling about the boy my daughter is dating, or I got a gut feeling about the preacher,…

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Why does God feel so distant to me?

Question: I have read the articles on blasphemy and they have given me a better understanding of what it is. But I am still not sure if a person can think blasphemous thoughts not speak them and still be condemned. I feel that God is so distant from me and that this is because His…

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Why do I feel so disconnected after making the sign of the cross?

Question: When I make the “Sign of the Cross” before praying, I feel so blessed ‘opening’ and ‘connecting’ myself to God and all those in Heaven. It is very uplifting. However, when I make the “Sign of the Cross” finishing the prayer, I feel I’m closing myself off, away from God, until I pray, again.…

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Why do I feel like I don’t deserve to be cleansed?

Question: I was baptized as a baby in the church and have always been a Christian, but I have not been actively involved in fellowship as much as I’d like to be. My husband and I engaged in sexual acts (not intercourse) before marriage which I know are wrong. I have asked God for forgiveness…

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How can I feel forgiven?

Question: I am  sorry you think I lied to you.  I just wanted your view.  I haven’t been able to get my Pastor to talk to me.  He just walked away and said he couldn’t help when I told him what my husband did to me.  I needed spiritual counsel and had no one to…

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