Your Faith Has Made You Well by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 18:35-43   I.         In looking at some of the miracles of Jesus in order to answer a question, I noticed something that I had not seen before             A.        If you look at the various miracles, you soon realize that faith on the part of the person being healed is not…

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I wanted to let you know about a healing that happened to me

Question: First of all, I have found some great resources on your site. Even though we differ in opinion on some things, I can respect your beliefs. I wish I could have had someone like you to share some of the information with me from your book about growing from a boy into a man.…

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Facts About Faith Healing

by Rick Duggin via Westvue Messenger, Vol. 29, No. 7, July 1986 Members of the Faith Assembly, an Indiana-based religious sect, have lost as many as eighty-eight members to treatable illnesses or injuries because they believe that going to a doctor is wrong. A federal and state study concluded that the mortality rate for their…

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Things You Will Never See at a Pentecostal “Healing” Service

Author Unknown One raised from the dead, like Jesus did (John 11:38:44). The blind made to see, like Jesus did (John 9:1-12). The deaf made to hear, like Jesus did (Mark 7:31-37). An ear restored, as Jesus did (Luke 22:49-51). A leper cleansed, like Jesus did (Matthew 8:1-4). Restoration of a withered hand, as Jesus…

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Faith Healers or ‘Fake’ Healers?

by Greg Gwin So-called “faith healers” continue to claim great abilities for healing various ail­ments of the physical body. While we steadfastly believe in all the miracles of the Bible, including the many instances of miraculous divine healing, we are equally as strong in our denial that these modern “healers” have any God-given power in…

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