How do I make good choices when I am bipolar?

Question: Hi, I do try to be a Christian, but I slip up a lot. My fellow brothers and sisters know I’ve been battling alcohol for a while and battling bipolar too. I don’t want to sin, but I slip up drinking, thinking it would help me with my bipolar. I get tired of my…

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I don’t know if these thoughts are God’s or not

Question: I need an answer. I’m bipolar, and I have all kinds of thoughts and feelings. I don’t know if it’s God or not. I argue with my husband a lot about this. Answer: “”For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD” (Isaiah 55:8). Just because you…

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Should I take medication for my bipolar disorder?

Question: Greetings Brother, I have been reading your site for some months since I was investigating the church of Christ, and I was baptized about six months ago. Your articles on marijuana and drinking have been a great encouragement to me and have helped me walk my thoughts through the Scriptures in making some decisions.…

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