You Encourage Me

by Russ Bowman I am thinking this morning of all those who go unnoticed in their faithful service to God — at least unnoticed by other people. So, here’s a nod of appreciation… …to all of the husbands and wives who work hard at their marriage and honor their vows, even when it’s difficult. …to…

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People Paul Knew by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 16:1-15   I.         Certain sections of the Bible are difficult to read, such as the genealogies with all the unfamiliar names             A.        The beginning of Romans 16 is similar, even though it is a list of personal greetings to people Paul knew in Rome             B.        Too often we skim right through…

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The Fingerprints of Faith

by Raymond Gonzalez Sr. Sentry Magazine, September 1999 Not long ago, in the work of cleaning up, putting in place songbooks and Bibles, I noticed some things that speak of our faith. As I began the clean-up, I murmured: “these brethren are so negligent”! There were papers, crayons, candy wrappers, and pencils all over the…

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Clapping in Worship

by Gardner Hall Is it wrong? If so, why? The last few years have seen the introduction of handclapping in congregations of the Lord, including a few that have opposed institutionalism. Though motives are often praiseworthy, serious questions are raised by the practice. Is it presumptuous? Is it practiced because God wants it? Or rather,…

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Appreciation by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Thessalonians 5:9-15   I.          There is a deep seat desire in every person to be important              A.         “Everyone likes a compliment.” – Abraham Lincoln              B.         “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” – William Jones II.         Satan understands this              A.         Sin has its roots in our desires -…

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Is it wrong to have a Preacher Appreciation Day?

Question: Is it wrong to have a day to show the preacher appreciation and call it “preacher’s appreciation day”? Answer: “But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction, and that you esteem them very highly in…

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