Can Pets Become Idols?

by Terry Wane Benton I think we can see an unhealthy attachment to anything becomes a form of idolatry, the same as covetousness for money becomes a form of idolatry (Colossians 3:5). When our love for animals gets in the way of doing what God says, it can become a form of idolatry. We hear…

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Aren’t there animals in heaven?

Question: According to your previous answer to the question raised in regards to animals having souls: you said, they have souls but will go down to the earth when they die. Human spirits will ascend to Paradise. Here is my question: What about the animals found in heaven according to the book of Isaiah 11:6-9;…

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Did animals start eating meat after the fall of man?

Question: Thank you for the wonderful and comprehensive website with so much Bible-based information.  I’m reading it daily and learning so much. Many thanks. One question comes to mind that I did not find an answer to, although the Bible does mention that the first animals in creation ate the grasses of the field.  Were…

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I discovered your site looking for whether animals have souls or spirits

Question: Hi, I just discovered your website when looking for whether animals have souls or spirits. Friends were visiting our home, and we got on the topic. I said to the gentleman that animals have souls but not spirits. He questioned this statement. Now I wanted to try and find it in the Bible to show…

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Do animals have a soul or spirit?

Question: I have a question regarding animals and souls.  Does the Bible state definitively whether animals have a soul or a spirit?  I was raised in the church of Christ and had always been told that animals (companion dogs specifically) do not have a soul.  However, no one has been able to show me that…

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Notes on Animals

General References Genesis 1:24-25 Genesis 9:2 1 Kings 4:33 Job 12:7 1 Corinthians 15:39 Apes 1 Kings 10:22 For the king had merchant ships at sea with the fleet of Hiram. Once every three years the merchant ships came bringing gold, silver, ivory, apes, and monkeys. 2 Chronicles 9:21 For the king’s ships went to…

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