Should a new Christian go to a Bible school?


The church recently received a new convert. I do follow-up studies with him after services. I introduced him to the idea of attending a Bible school, which he indicated interest in attending. But I  read through your article on preachers, especially his qualification. You pointed out how dicey Bible schools can be. Of a truth, I am a product of one. But over the years I have made my observations and discovered that a lot more is going wrong in Bible schools these days than in the past. Having read through your work, I feel cut in the middle. How do I convince him otherwise? I am also scared given his fragile nature in the faith.


Study with him. Teach him what you know. If he goes, that will be his choice. However, do urge him to be careful in his selection of a school if he really wants to go because all schools are not equal. You probably should mention to him that you are having a difficult time finding a school that you currently trust to be accurate in its teachings.

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