See If You Can Find a Man
Text: Jeremiah 5:1-13
I. The last days of the southern kingdom of Judah
A. The people had become very corrupt - Jeremiah 5:20-23
B. God purposed to severely punish His people - Jeremiah 5:26-31
II. But there is one hope - Jeremiah 5:1
A. Jeremiah is told to run through Jerusalem and find a man
1. A man who deals justly
a. Performs deeds of righteousness with equity
b. Impartial and treats others with dignity
2. A man who looks for the truth
a. Not just a truthful man, but one who diligently looks until he finds the truth.
b. A man who looks for truth and then puts it into practice
B. If Jeremiah can find such a man, God will forego the punishment
1. Just one, solitary person!
III. Sadly, Jeremiah couldn’t find such a man - Jeremiah 5:2-11
A. They take oaths by God, yet they lie - Jeremiah 5:2
B. They refuse to even acknowledge that the Lord is punishing them - Jeremiah 5:3
1. Let alone learn and return to God
C. Their leaders have “freed” themselves from God - Jeremiah 5:5
D. They have gone into frivolous sex - Jeremiah 5:8
IV. Lessons to be learned
A. God’s own people can fall away.
1. God’s protection doesn’t mean we are saved from ourselves
2. I Corinthians 9:27 - Even Paul had the potential of being disqualified
3. I Corinthians 10:1-12 - Proof that Christians must be watchful is found in the lives of the Israelites
4. Romans 8:12-13 - If you live according to the flesh, you will die.
5. II Peter 2:18-22 - Worse off knowing the truth and then departing from it.
B. God is just in punishing the disobedient
1. God is not just a God of Love; He is also a God of Justice - Romans 11:22
2. Look at Daniel’s prayer concerning the punishment that Jeremiah tried to hold off - Daniel 9:9-14. God was righteous in destroying Jerusalem.
3. God will repay all wrong - Romans 12:19
4. Vengeance comes in this world, but ultimately at the second coming - II Thessalonians 1:4-8
C. Absolute truth does exist and is attainable
1. John 8:31-32 - If we abide in Christ’s words, we will know the truth.
2. John 17:17 - God’s word is truth
3. II John 4 - Unlike Jeremiah, John found Christians walking in the truth.
V. Are we willing to stand for justice and truth?
A. Contend earnestly for the faith - Jude 3
B. Need to teach all, righteous and wicked alike - Ezekiel 3:17-21
C. I Corinthians 16:13-14
D. Are we the man Jeremiah was seeking?