Propaganda Wars – Manipulating the Truth
by Terry Wane Benton
The devil engaged in a propaganda war with the first couple in the garden. He tried to convince them that God was bad and was holding them back from some great potential experience. God was in their way. The propaganda seemed valid. The fruit on the tree did look good for food. What was God keeping from them? Now, all that they had already was good, but propaganda is presented as true. What makes us think suspiciously of God and not the Serpent? How do we sort truth from lies and propaganda?
Truth anchors in the consistency of evidence. Lies change as things need to be manipulated in another direction. God is always consistent and dependable. His promises have always had a consistent outcome. Satan has been a liar from the beginning.
Jesus lines up with hundreds of prophecies and typologies from day one of creation. Jesus speaks the great moral principles that always work well for our good. The poisonous venom of the Serpent has always made liars and murderers of people. Watch and be aware that all that glitters is not gold. All that looks appealing to the lust of the flesh may just be bait with a hook. It is all part of the propaganda wars to win your soul. Truth is available if you are willing to investigate. But propaganda will easily persuade you in the wrong direction, too! Which do you want?