Of Being an “Overcomer”
by Terry Wane Benton
"He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels" (Revelation 3:5).
As mentioned repeatedly, the overcomers overcome apathy, indifference, and worldly priorities. They gain the blessing of cleansing their conscience so that their spiritual garments are “white.” They do not live further under the threat of having their names blotted from the Book of Life.
Incidentally, this verse disproves the notion that “once-saved-always-saved” has any merit whatsoever!
And isn’t it wonderful to think that our name would be brought up before the Father and His angels? Some people would think it amazing that their name was mentioned to a governor for some noteworthy accomplishment to a state or even a city council. But our name being brought before the Father and His angels would far outshine those piddly earthly confessions of our name.
To what end might our name be mentioned? We were wise enough to utilize all the spiritual advantages and overcame the tendency to fit in with the crowd. We stepped up to the plate where it counted for us, our families, our children, grandchildren, neighbors, and fellow Christians. We made the roll call of spiritual heroes! Isn’t that a tremendously motivating thought and aspiration? The Savior of the world could potentially confess our name before the Father!
Being an "overcomer" is how this high honor becomes our gold-medal moment of victory. Fitting in with the wrong people will not help make you a winner or an overcomer. Be the winner God wants you to be! You can do all things through the strength Christ wants to give you! (Philippians 4:13).