Not Served by Human Hands
by Whit Sasser
The Bible says in Acts 17:25, "nor is he (God) served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything."
The one, true, living God is not served by hands as the idol priests had to do -- providing upkeep and maintenance. It rather is just the opposite, we derive our sustenance and we need our maintenance provided by Him. Our life, breath, and everything come from Him -- and that is current and present, not past tense.
God does not need anything from us -- remember that. Absolutely nothing is needed from us for Him to be who He is, God! He is God with or without us. He is no less God because I do not believe in Him or I do not obey Him. God wants certain things from us, but He does not need anything.
On the other hand, we need everything from Him, and I mean absolutely everything! We do not exist except it be for Him. We are not animated except by Him. We do not take another breath, except it be for Him. He truly holds our breath in His hands.
Now with that kind of faith and understanding, I am going to be so humble, so submissive, so seeing myself as a lowly creature of the dust. And that, my friends, is good! For that is the truth.