Name the Hymn


You have 180 seconds (3 minutes) to complete 20 questions.

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Name the Hymn

The clue will be the first phrase of the first verse of the hymn. Guess the title of the hymn from a multiple-choice list. You won't necessarily get the same set of questions each time you take this quiz.

1 / 20

1. Jesus, my heav'nly King, loves me, I know ...

2 / 20

2. You are Lord of creation and Lord of my life ...

3 / 20

3. Man of sorrows, what a name…

4 / 20

4. Once from my poor sin-sick soul ...

5 / 20

5. The Lord’s our Rock in Him we hide…

6 / 20

6. Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness…

7 / 20

7. If I walk in the pathway of duty…

8 / 20

8. When my way growth drear…

9 / 20

9. Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior ...

10 / 20

10. When the trumpet shall sound…

11 / 20

11. Why should I feel discouraged…

12 / 20

12. When with the Savior we enter the gloryland ...

13 / 20

13. What can wash away my sin…

14 / 20

14. The hour is at hand to awaken ...

15 / 20

15. O what wondrous love I see ...

16 / 20

16. If the skies above you are gray…

17 / 20

17. Some glad morning we shall see Jesus in the air ...

18 / 20

18. Have thine affections been nailed to the cross…

19 / 20

19. When in the better land, before the bar we stand…

20 / 20

20. ‘Tis a sweet and glor’ous tho’t that comes to me…

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The original idea for this quiz came from Noel Chumbley at PDHymns.