My friend’s wife has attacked him with a knife. She is now seeing another man. Can he remarry?
I found your website to be so accurate to the teaching of the Bible. While so many churches twist the Word of God, your advice is exactly to the point of the teachings of Jesus.
I have a friend who is in a situation. My friend was in a relationship with a Christian woman for about a year. After marriage, he came to know about his wife's Borderline Personality Disorder. He tried every possible thing to maintain the peace in his house, but she will argue and go violent for really small things and has mood swings for no reason. It went to the point where her wife tried to commit suicide a few times, blaming him that he induced the attempts. She also tried to attack him with a knife during a heated argument resulting in cuts on his arm. He had no option left but to file a divorce just for his own safety, which resulted in a lot of drama from her. Still, he tried to reconcile with her twice, just because he wanted to save the marriage, but she said it will be on her terms and conditions only. According to her, since he filed for divorce, she has every right to bash him.
Now she is dating another man. If she marries again, isn't it adultery according to the Bible? If she does remarry can my friend remarry?
Yes, if she remarries, it will be adultery because her marriage did not end because he was committing sexual sins. She is still bound by the terms of her original covenant. But for the same reason, if he remarries, it will also be adultery because he didn't end his marriage because of her sexual sin. He, too, is still bound by the terms of his original covenant. "So He said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery" (Mark 10:11-12).