I don’t work outside the home, so I have no income. How much should I give?


I discovered your site today and let me say I love it! I have a question about tithes. I'm a stay at home mom; therefore, I have no income. My husband has a job, so am I supposed to pay tithes off of the money he gets from work? Or do I pay tithes off whatever my husband gives me?


The idea of giving a tithe (10% of your income) comes from the Old Testament. Christians are not under that covenant.

What the New Testament teaches is that we are to give a portion of our prosperity. "On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come" (I Corinthians 16:2). That is not a portion of our gross earnings. God is looking for people to give because they want to give, the actual amount is not fixed. "For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have" (II Corinthians 8:12).

I take it that your husband is not a Christian, so I would suggest that you give a portion of what you do happen to earn through side-jobs. I would encourage you to also give a portion of your family income. What your husband earns should not be viewed as his money. Rather what both of you earn is the family's income. Talk to him and tell him you wish to give a portion to the Lord, but you want his willingness as well. Then figure out an amount that he is willing to accept. If for no other reason, point out the benefits you receive from the church and let him know that you would like to give some back rather than just take. Most non-Christians are not likely to be willing to part with a significant portion of their income, but he probably will be willing that some portion is given. Whatever is settled on should be fine.