I appreciate that you post your sermon texts and not just audio files



Hope this email finds you well

I just wanted to send a quick message to express my appreciation for your website. The fact that you take the time to post sermons in text form rather than audio-only is a tremendous help in studying the word. I have learned a great deal from studying your collection of sermons, and I am so thankful for this study resource.

I have been blessed to find your site and I hope and pray that you continue to post up sermons and other material for others' development and learning. I truly appreciate the efforts made and just wanted to let you know that the time and resources spent are not in vain. I pray that your church continues to be a shining light to all those it reaches.

In brotherly love,


I appreciate your encouraging words. I personally prefer to read something than to listen or watch. I know there are others who prefer listening to lessons, so we are trying to make both available.

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