How do I teach others about the Bible?


Good morning minister,

It's a beautiful morning here. I want to first express my appreciation for the good work you are doing and pray that God blesses and supports you as you help many growing Christians know God's will.

I am a nursing student, and in my school, we have only three Christians (members of the church of Christ). I usually feel sorry for my mates who aren't Christians and would really love for them to obey God but I don't know how to start or on what topic to begin.

Anytime I interact and want to introduce a religious topic of discussion, I find it difficult to bring up a topic that's less ambiguous and precise.

I need help on how to begin these conversations and what topics are going to be icebreakers.

Usually, I ask and listen to their religious beliefs and practices in their various denominations but I find it difficult to go on from there and make it not look like an argument. I don't mind arguing but many times it makes them defensive and not objective or willing to listen.

Also, my mates here are so religious but not according to knowledge. They find the idea of one church ridiculous and they misinterpret it to mean that all denominations are all one under God since they serve "one God". Please help me. I love my mates a lot and would love to do something about it.


A simple way is to ask questions, as you have already begun to do so. Pick something you've recently read and ask them a question about the reading. "I was reading I Corinthians last night and Paul said there was to be no division. What do you think about that?" This would be an interesting discussion if you have friends with differing religious beliefs. "Why do you teach X while so-in-so teaches Y?" Look for points in the discussion where you can point out a verse in the Bible that shows something different in their beliefs.

Approaching it this way doesn't come across as challenging since you asked them for their thoughts. Pointing out a passage shows that you have been listening to what they have said.