Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

by Terry Wane Benton

Text: Psalms 139

Your body consists of 37 trillion cells divided into 200 different types. 100 billion cells make up the skin, which is the largest organ in your body. 100 billion neurons in the brain allow you to process as many as 60,000 thoughts per day.

You also have 127 million retinal cells that allow you to see the world in as many as 10 million different colors.

You have 30 trillion red blood cells, 42 billion blood vessels, and 6 liters (1.6 gallons) of blood in your body. Your blood makes up approximately 10% of your body weight. Your nose has 1,000 olfactory receptors that allow you to distinguish 50,000 different smells.

Your lungs allow you to breathe 23,040 breaths per day, while your heart beats around 115,200 heartbeats per day or 42 million heartbeats per year.

You have 640 muscles, 360 joints, 206 bones, and 100,000 hair follicles. You produce around 23,000 liters (6,075 gallons) of saliva in your lifetime, which is enough to fill two swimming pools

Surgeon Says Human Body Could Not Have Evolved

"In a paper titled "Dissecting Darwinism," Baylor University Medical Center surgeon Joseph Kuhn described serious problems with Darwinian evolution.1 He first described how life could not possibly have come from chemicals alone since the information residing in DNA required an input from outside of nature.

He then addressed Darwinism's inability to account for the all-or-nothing structure of cellular systems, including the human body. As a medical doctor, Kuhn not only knows the general arrangement of the human body's visible parts, but he also understands the interrelated biochemical systems that sustain and regulate all of those parts. He recognized that the human body contains an all-or-nothing system in which its core parts and biochemicals must exist simultaneously for the body to function."

We all know that it is absolutely impossible for our body organs to evolve separately. Without the heart to pump the blood to the brain how could we -humans- exist?. Or anything, for that matter? How about the veins that the blood runs through? Which came first? This is only one of the many problems with the theory of evolution. These are things that had to be all together at the same time to work properly. We were created by God!