Early House of Worship

Source: "Christians didn't worship in houses? New study drops bombshell on religious archaeology," StudyFinds.org, 30 August 2024.

Early Christians "may have been more intentional in creating distinct sacred spaces than previously thought."

"One of the most striking findings was the removal of key features that defined Durene houses, such as the building’s cistern and food preparation area. These elements were essential for daily life in a home, and their absence suggests the structure was no longer meant to function as a residence. The researchers also discovered unique architectural elements, like low-level windows, that were not found in other domestic structures in the city."

"These findings challenge the idea that early Christian worship spaces were simply houses with minor modifications. Instead, they suggest a more deliberate and significant transformation of space, possibly indicating a desire by early Christians to create distinct, recognizable places of worship within their communities."

"It suggests that rather than following a universal pattern, early Christians may have been more influenced by local architectural traditions and may have been more intentional in creating spaces that stood apart from typical domestic structures."