Do you do weddings?
I am interested in receiving information in regards to your facility for a wedding. Would you please let me know if there is a web site for pricing, availability, and requirements?
I only do a few weddings each year, offering it as a service to the community for the most part. There is no charge for the building or my time.
- The building must be returned to a neat and clean condition before our next assembly, which are on Sundays and Wednesdays. Cleaning is done voluntarily by the members of the church, so I don't want to add to someone's burden.
- I don't marry couples unless they have the right to marry. For example, I won't marry couples who have been married before unless his or her prior spouse has died (Romans 7:2-3) or he or she had divorced a prior spouse because that spouse was sexually unfaithful (Matthew 19:9; I Corinthians 7:10-11).
- I request that the couple study the Bible with me regarding what makes a good and lasting marriage. Plan on at least six study sessions of about an hour (could be more depending on the questions and conversation that ensues).
About the building:
- The building is plain and simple because it is only used for Bible classes and worship, and we like it that way.
- We only have seating for about 100 people. The building is not handicapped accessible.
- Classrooms can be used for changing.
- We have no facilities for a reception. Such would have to be held elsewhere
- The building does not have to be used. I'm willing to conduct weddings elsewhere.
- The building is not available for someone else to conduct the wedding unless they are members of a church of Christ.