At Ease in Zion

by Kyle Ellison

Spiritual apathy can be one of the most dangerous situations that a Christian finds themselves in …. the symptoms look like this:

  • Less prayer.
  • Justification for consistently missing services, but find yourself doing other things. It becomes easier and easier to miss gathering with God’s people.
  • Less Bible reading.
  • Becoming comfortable with worldliness.
  • Becoming comfortable allowing a little sin here and a little sin there.
  • Less motivated to share the Gospel.

These are all symptoms of a deeper heart problem, much like a fever. The fever may not be the sickness, but it signals an ongoing infection. May we not become apathetic and careless in our service to God. Often, this happens slowly and over time! It is a dangerous place to allow yourself to be, and if you are there now, I would urge you to wake up, get back, and draw near to God.

"Woe to those who are at ease in Zion ..." (Amos 6:1).