Are surgically based contraceptives wrong?


Is it OK for Christians to use contraceptives and birth control methods such as ligation and vasectomy?

There are some people in the church who have second thoughts on the usage of birth control, specifically ones that are surgical. The argument is that surgery such as ligation and vasectomy alter the body and we are commanded to treat it like a temple because the spirit of God dwells in it. An additional argument is that surgical procedures that aid in the treatment of illnesses are the only ones that are OK because they keep the body healthy. They also argue that circumcision is OK because it is commanded but ligation and vasectomy don’t seem to be approved by the Scriptures.

Another issue is that, it seems or it feels wrong to prevent life from forming and that the only seemingly acceptable form of birth control is the calendar method.

I would appreciate the response.


Most of these are answered in Contraceptives.

The argument against surgeries is flawed because so many exceptions have to be covered, such as circumcision and surgeries to correct problems. The two passages you cited (I Corinthians 3 and I Corinthians 6) are talking about staying away from sin, which defiles the temple (ourselves). Paul's arguments are directed toward not using your body to commit sins since your body is where God's presence should be seen.


Thank you so much brother for your response.  I am grateful for your providing a great answer.

Best regards brother!

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